clear_cache: Manually reset the cache, deleting all currently saved data...

View source: R/cache.R

clear_cacheR Documentation

Manually reset the cache, deleting all currently saved data and starting afresh


Deletes the current cache and resets a new cache. Deletes local data! If you are using a session unique cache, you will have to pass the arguments you used for set_cache earlier, otherwise the system-wide .Renviron-based defaults will be used.


clear_cache(..., disable = FALSE)



Arguments passed on to set_cache


the directory in which the cache is stored. By default, this is rappdirs::user_cache_dir("R", version = "epidatr"). The path can be either relative or absolute. The environmental variable is EPIDATR_CACHE_DIR.


the maximum length of time in days to keep any particular cached call. By default this is 1. The environmental variable is EPIDATR_CACHE_MAX_AGE_DAYS.


the size of the entire cache, in MB, at which to start pruning entries. By default this is 1024, or 1GB. The environmental variable is EPIDATR_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_MB.


where cachem's log of transactions is stored, relative to the cache directory. By default, it is "logfile.txt". The environmental variable is EPIDATR_CACHE_LOGFILE.


whether to confirm directory creation. default is TRUE; should only be set in non-interactive scripts


indicates whether the function is being called on startup. Affects suppressability of the messages. Default is FALSE.


instead of setting a new cache, disable caching entirely; defaults to FALSE


NULL no return value, all effects are stored in the package environment

See Also

set_cache to start a new cache (and general caching info), disable_cache to only disable without deleting, and cache_info

cmu-delphi/delphi-epidata-r documentation built on Nov. 17, 2024, 3:44 p.m.