is_locf: Checks to see if a value in a vector is LOCF

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is_locfR Documentation

Checks to see if a value in a vector is LOCF


LOCF meaning last observation carried forward (to later versions). Lags the vector by 1, then compares with itself. If is_key is TRUE, only values that are exactly the same between the lagged and original are considered LOCF. If is_key is FALSE and vec is a vector of numbers (base::is.numeric), then approximate equality will be used, checking whether the absolute difference between each pair of entries is ⁠<= abs_tol⁠; if vec is something else, then exact equality is used instead.


is_locf(vec, abs_tol, is_key)


We include epikey-time columns in LOCF comparisons as part of an optimization to avoid slower grouped operations while still ensuring that the first observation for each time series will not be marked as LOCF. We test these key columns for exact equality to prevent chopping off consecutive time_values during flat periods when abs_tol is high.

We use exact equality for non-is.numeric double/integer columns such as dates, datetimes, difftimes, tsibble::yearmonths, etc., as these may be used as part of re-indexing or grouping procedures, and we don't want to change the number of groups for those operations when we remove LOCF data during compactification.

cmu-delphi/epiprocess documentation built on Feb. 22, 2025, 9:26 a.m.