Man pages for coatless/r-to-armadillo
R-based using the Armadillo C++ Matrix Library

ARMAacf_cppCompute Theoretical ACF for an ARMA Process
ARMAtoMA_cppConverting an ARMA Process to an Infinite MA Process
cfilterTime Series Convolution Filters
dft_acfDiscrete Fourier Transformation for Autocovariance Function
diff_cppLagged Differences in Armadillo
field_to_matrixTransform an Armadillo field<vec> to a matrix
get_elementsSubset Non-connected Regions
r2arma-packager2arma: R-based using the Armadillo C++ Matrix Library
rev_col_subsetReverse Subset Column
reverse_vecReverse Armadillo Vector
rev_row_subsetReverse Subset Row
rfilterTime Series Recursive Filters
riwishartGenerate Random Inverse Wishart Distribution
rwishartGenerate Random Wishart Distribution
seq_along_cppGenerate a sequence of values ranging from vector start to...
seq_defaultGenerate a sequence of values ranging from a to b given a...
seq_default_aGenerate a sequence of values ranging from -a to a given a...
seq_intGenerate an integer sequence of values
seq_len_cppGenerate a sequence of values ranging from 0 to n-1
sum_field_vecAccumulation of Armadillo field<vec>
coatless/r-to-armadillo documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 5:32 a.m.