
#' Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Original) Data Set
#' Samples arrive periodically as Dr. Wolberg reports his clinical cases.
#' The database therefore reflects this chronological grouping of the data.
#' @format A data frame with 699 observations on the following 11 variables.
#' - `sample_code_number`: id number
#' - `clump_thickness`: 1 - 10
#' - `uniformity_of_cell_size`:  1 - 10
#' - `uniformity_of_cell_shape`: 1 - 10
#' - `single_epithelial_cell_size`: 1 - 10
#' - `bare_nuclei`:  1 - 10
#' - `bland_chromatin`: 1 - 10
#' - `normal_nucleoli`: 1 - 10
#' - `mitoses`: 1 - 10
#' - `class`: 2 for benign, 4 for malignant
#' @source
#' Dr. William H. Wolberg - Physician
#' University of Wisconsin Hospitals
#' Madison, Wisconsin, USA
#' @references
#' <https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/breast-cancer-wisconsin/breast-cancer-wisconsin.data>
#' @details
#' This grouping information appears immediately below, having been removed from the data itself:
#' \tabular{rrr}{
#'  Group  \tab Instances  \tab Date of Collection\cr
#'    1    \tab 367        \tab January 1989\cr
#'    2    \tab 70         \tab October 1989\cr
#'    3    \tab 31         \tab February 1990\cr
#'    4    \tab 17         \tab April 1990\cr
#'    5    \tab 48         \tab August 1990\cr
#'    6    \tab 49         \tab Updated January 1991\cr
#'    7    \tab 31         \tab June 1991\cr
#'    8    \tab 86         \tab November 1991\cr
#'   Total \tab 699 points \tab 15 July 1992
#' }
#' Note that the results summarized above in Past Usage refer to a dataset of
#' size 369, while Group 1 has only 367 instances. This is because it
#' originally contained 369 instances; 2 were removed.
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