
#' Bike Sharing (Daily) Data Set
#' Bike sharing systems are new generation of traditional bike rentals where
#' whole process from membership, rental and return back has become automatic.
#' Through these systems, user is able to easily rent a bike from a particular
#' position and return back at another position. Currently, there are about
#' over 500 bike-sharing programs around the world which is composed of over
#' 500 thousands bicycles. Today, there exists great interest in these systems
#' due to their important role in traffic, environmental and health issues.
#' Apart from interesting real world applications of bike sharing systems, the
#' characteristics of data being generated by these systems make them attractive
#' for the research. Opposed to other transport services such as bus or subway,
#' the duration of travel, departure and arrival position is explicitly recorded
#' in these systems. This feature turns bike sharing system into a virtual
#' sensor network that can be used for sensing mobility in the city. Hence, it
#' is expected that most of important events in the city could be detected via
#' monitoring these data.
#' @format A data frame with 731 observations on the following 16 variables.
#' - `instant`: Record index
#' - `dteday`:     Date
#' - `season`:
#'     - 1: Spring
#'     - 2: Summer
#'     - 3: Fall
#'     - 4: Winter
#' - `yr`:
#'     - 0: 2011
#'     - 1: 2012
#' - `mnth`:
#'     -  1: Jan
#'     -  2: Feb
#'     -  3: Mar
#'     -  4: Apr
#'     -  5: May
#'     -  6: Jun
#'     -  7: Jul
#'     -  8: Aug
#'     -  9: Sep
#'     - 10: Oct
#'     - 11: Nov
#'     - 12: Dec
#' - `hr`:
#'     -  0: 12 AM
#'     -  1:  1 AM
#'     -  2:  2 AM
#'     -  3:  3 AM
#'     -  4:  4 AM
#'     -  5:  5 AM
#'     -  6:  6 AM
#'     -  7:  7 AM
#'     -  8:  8 AM
#'     -  9:  9 AM
#'     - 10: 10 AM
#'     - 11: 11 AM
#'     - 12: 12 PM
#'     - 13:  1 PM
#'     - 14:  2 PM
#'     - 15:  3 PM
#'     - 16:  4 PM
#'     - 17:  5 PM
#'     - 18:  6 PM
#'     - 19:  7 PM
#'     - 20:  8 PM
#'     - 21:  9 PM
#'     - 22: 10 PM
#'     - 23: 11 PM
#' - `holiday`:
#'     - Whether the day is a holiday or not according to the [Human Resources page of DC](http://dchr.dc.gov/page/holiday-schedule).
#'     - 0: No
#'     - 1: Yes
#' - `weekday`:
#'     - The day of a week
#'     - 0: Sunday
#'     - 1: Monday
#'     - 2: Tuesday
#'     - 3: Wednesday
#'     - 4: Thursday
#'     - 5: Friday
#'     - 6: Saturday
#' - `workingday`:
#'     - Whether the day is a workday (Monday - Friday)
#'     - 0: No
#'     - 1: Yes
#' - `weathersit`:
#'     - 1: Clear, Few clouds, Partly cloudy, Partly cloudy
#'     - 2: Mist + Cloudy, Mist + Broken clouds, Mist + Few clouds, Mist
#'     - 3: Light Snow, Light Rain + Thunderstorm + Scattered clouds, Light Rain + Scattered clouds
#'     - 4: Heavy Rain + Ice Pallets + Thunderstorm + Mist, Snow + Fog
#' - `temp`:
#'     - Normalized temperature in Celsius.
#'     - The values are derived via \eqn{\frac{(t-t_{min})}{(t_{max}-t_{min})}}{(t-t[min])/(t[max]-t[min])}, t_min=-8, t_max=+39
#' - `atemp`:
#'     - Normalized feeling temperature in Celsius.
#'     - The values are derived via \eqn{\frac{(t-t_{min})}{(t_{max}-t_{min})}}{(t-t[min])/(t[max]-t[min])}, t_min=-16, t_max=+50
#' - `hum`:
#'     - Normalized humidity.
#'     - The values are divided to 100 (max)
#' - `windspeed`:
#'     - Normalized wind speed.
#'     - The values are divided to 67 (max)
#' - `casual`:
#'     - Count of casual users
#' - `registered`:
#'     - Count of registered users
#' - `cnt`:
#'     - Count of total rental bikes including both casual and registered
#' @source
#' Hadi Fanaee-T
#' Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support (LIAAD), University of Porto
#' INESC Porto, Campus da FEUP
#' Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 378
#' 4200 - 465 Porto, Portugal
#' @references
#' Original Source: <http://capitalbikeshare.com/system-data>
#' Weather Information: <http://www.freemeteo.com>
#' Holiday Schedule: <http://dchr.dc.gov/page/holiday-schedule>
coatless/ucidata documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 9:19 a.m.