grade_dist: Grade Distribution Data from Summer 2005 - Summer 2017

grade_distR Documentation

Grade Distribution Data from Summer 2005 - Summer 2017


Grade distributions by letter grade for every class and instructor from Summer 2005 to Summer 2017 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).




A data.frame with 124155 and 25 variables with the format of:

  • crn

    • Course Registration Number

  • subject

    • Department course was offered in

  • course

    • Course Number

  • course_title

    • Name of the Course

  • course_section

    • Lecture, Discussion, or Online Section ID

  • sched_type

    • Lecture, Discussion, Online

  • a_plus

    • Number of Students Receiving an A+

    • Weighted as 4.00

  • a

    • Number of Students Receiving an A

    • Weighted as 4.00

  • a_minus

    • Number of Students Receiving an A-

    • Weighted as 3.67

  • b_plus

    • Number of Students Receiving an B+

    • Weighted as 3.33

  • b

    • Number of Students Receiving an B

    • Weighted as 3.00

  • b_minus

    • Number of Students Receiving an B-

    • Weighted as 2.67

  • c_plus

    • Number of Students Receiving an C+

    • Weighted as 2.33

  • c

    • Number of Students Receiving an C

    • Weighted as 2.00

  • c_minus

    • Number of Students Receiving an C-

    • Weighted as 1.67

  • D_plus

    • Number of Students Receiving an D+

    • Weighted as 1.33

  • d

    • Number of Students Receiving an D

    • Weighted as 1.00

  • d_minus

    • Number of Students Receiving an D-

    • Weighted as 0.67

  • f

    • Number of Students Receiving an F

    • Weighted as 0.00

  • w

    • Number of Students Receiving an W (Withdrawal)

  • average_grade

    • The average GPA for the course

  • semester

    • Name of term: Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer

  • year

    • Year semester takes place in.


As the R data file type allows for editing of the included data, we ask that prior to using the files you accept responsibility for accurate dissemination of this information and agree that no manipulation of the data that results in falsification of the information will occur.

Missing values contained within the data set are due to the grade distributions not being displayed when a section has low enrollment or when all students in the class have the same grade. Because of the low enrollment in those classes or because all the students in a class received the same grade, the grade data could identify a student. Therefore, this data has been omitted to satisfy Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. ยง1232g).

Please see the Grade Scale for details as to how the average GPA was calculated.


# Load Fall Data
data("grade_dist", package="uiucdata")

coatless/uiucdata documentation built on June 3, 2024, 9:11 p.m.