
Step 1: Authorize the connection to the API

ga = GA("./tools/testing.json")


gaToken = analytics.connect("./tools/testing.json")

Step 2: View accounts to find the correct one to query



gaAccounts = analytics.accounts(gaToken);

Step 3: Obtain the custom dimensions

gaDims = ga$getDimensions(accountID = ga$accounts[12]$accountID, webID = ga$accounts[12]$id);

Step 4: Run the query

# By default, ga$query pulls the data from the last 30 days
data = ga$query(
  accountID = ga$accounts[12]$accountID, 
  webID = ga$accounts[12]$id, 
  ids = ga$accounts[12]$profiles[[1]][1]$id, 
  uniqueBy = levels(droplevels(gaDims[c(2,8),]$id)), 
  columnNames = gaDims

Step 5: View the results


codymarquart/RAnalytics documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:48 p.m.