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Cody Schulz February 26, 2018


earthquakeMap helps users visualize over 4,000 years of earthquake statistics in both time and space.


earthquakeMap can be installed using devtools:



## Open packages
libs <- c("readr", "magrittr", "dplyr", "earthquakeMap", "ggplot2", "lubridate")
lapply(libs, require, character.only = TRUE)

## Open dataset
x <- earthquake_read() %>%

  ## Clean
  eq_clean_data() %>%

  ## Filter
  filter(COUNTRY %in% c("USA", "MEXICO") & year(date) >= 2000) 

## Create a theme
my_theme <-   theme(
  axis.title.y = element_blank(),
  panel.background = element_blank(),
  legend.key = element_blank(),
  axis.line.x = element_line()

Earthquake Plotting in Time

earthquakeMap's geom_timeline() function displays earthquakes on a timeline, with point size corresponding to magnitude and point color to the number of fatalities. Each country selected is given its own timeline. Below is a plot of all earthquakes in the US and Mexico since 2005.

plot0 <- ggplot() +
  geom_timeline(data = x, aes(
    x = date,
    xmin = as.Date("2005-01-01"), 
    xmax = as.Date("2018-02-22"), 
    colour = TOTAL_DEATHS, 
    y = COUNTRY, 
    size = EQ_PRIMARY
  ) +
  scale_size_continuous(name = "Richter scale value") +
  scale_colour_continuous(name = "# deaths") +
  xlab("DATE") +

Earthquakes in USA & Mexico Timeline

The geom_timeline_label function provides additional labeling and subsetting capabilities. Users can set a maximum number of earthquakes to plot per country using the n_max parameter (the function selects the highest magnitude earthquakes first). The output also provides location labels for many earthquakes. Below is a graph of the same set of earthquakes as the prior example, selecting only the 10 highest magnitude earthquakes.

plot1 <- ggplot() +
  geom_timeline_label(data = x, aes(
    x = date, 
    xmin = as.Date("2005-01-01"), 
    label = LOCATION_NAME,
    xmax = as.Date("2018-02-22"), 
    colour = TOTAL_DEATHS, 
    y = COUNTRY, 
    size = EQ_PRIMARY
    n_max = 10
  ) +
  scale_x_date(expand = c(.15, .15)) +
  scale_size_continuous(name = "Richter scale value") +
  scale_colour_continuous(name = "# deaths") +
  xlab("DATE") +

Earthquakes in USA & Mexico Timeline Label

Earthquake Plotting in Space

earthquakeMap's eq_map function shows earthquakes on an interactive map, with more information the earthquake provided when users click on the plotted point. Below is a sample screenshot map of the same data as the first plot.

x %>%
  ## Create a popup text label with the eq_create_label function
  mutate(popup_text = eq_create_label(.)) %>%

  ## Filter to the USA and Mexico 
  filter(COUNTRY %in% c("MEXICO", "USA") & date >= as.Date("2000-01-01")) %>%

  ## Map
  eq_map(annot_col = "popup_text")

Earthquakes in USA & Mexico

codyschulz/earthquakeMap documentation built on May 25, 2019, 4:20 p.m.