Man pages for cole-brokamp/CB

cb_applyFunction designed to handle anything that lapply can but can...
CBapplyThis function is a wrapper for sapply with simplify=FALSE and...
cb_colorsVectors of colors for figures
cchmc_colorAccess CCHMC color palette
date_printPrint the current date in a pretty format
geojoinleft join a data.frame to a spatial data frame
htablehtable Create a quick html table using my favorites options...
ltablehlist Interactive view of list structures with...
mapppa wrapper around purrr::map()
ORGetterRetreive Odds Ratio Table from Logistic GLM Objects
percentpaste a decimal as a pretty percent
pretty_ppretty print a p-value
round_dfround all numeric columns in a data.frame
switchvVectorized version of switch (stolen from @kbroman)
tableSummarySummary Table
tableTestTable Test
theme_cbCustom CB ggplot2 theme
theme_mapggplot2 theme for sf maps
cole-brokamp/CB documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:49 p.m.