Read BCS XP Results Files

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This package reads ASCII sample files ("S-files"), calibration files ("C-files"), and raw data ("R-files") exported from BCS XP coagulation analyzers, and returns a tidy row-wise dataframe. It can also read the subassays for each assay, and return a list column containing the results.

Currently, the package is not able to read data exported in XML format. Data for the tests are not included in the repo due to rights issues.

Installation (from Github)

# install.packages("devtools")


Guess Filetype and Read

read_bcsxp(path, filetype = "guess") attempts to guess the type of file based on it's header and path and reads it with the appropriate method. By default, it does not attempt to parse the subassays for each assay in an S-file.

Reading an S-File

read_bcsxp(path, filetype = "S", include_subassays = FALSE) reads an exported ASCII file containing data on samples and controls, typically named "Syyyymmddn.BCSXp". It returns a tibble with the following columns:

Reading a C-File

read_bcsxp(path, filetype = "C") reads an exported ASCII file containing data on calibration curves, typically named "Cyyyymmddn.BCSXp". It returns a tibble with the following columns:

Reading a R-File

read_bcsxp(path, filetype = "R") reads an exported ASCII file containing raw absorbance vs. time data for each assay, typically named "Ryyyymmddn.BCSXp". It returns a tibble with the following columns:

colindouglas/bcsxp documentation built on May 22, 2020, 3:24 a.m.