
#' Return Column Types
#' This function returns a cols()  that specifies
#' the type of data in columns returned by either
#' the GetComments() function or the SearchSubreddit()
#' function
#' @param type One of c("thread", "comment")
#' @keywords reddit subreddit search API
#' @export
#' @examples
#' RedditColTypes("comment")

RedditColTypes <- function(type) {
  if (type == "comment") {
    return(cols(.default = col_character(),
                "approved_at_utc" = col_integer(),
                "likes" = col_character(),
                "user_reports" = col_integer(),
                "saved" = col_logical(),
                "banned_at_utc" = col_integer(),
                "gilded" = col_integer(),
                "archived" = col_logical(),
                "can_mod_post" = col_logical(),
                "ups" = col_integer(),
                "score" = col_integer(),
                "downs" = col_integer(),
                "edited" = col_character(),
                "collapsed" = col_logical(),
                "is_submitter" = col_logical(),
                "stickied" = col_logical(),
                "can_gild" = col_logical(),
                "score_hidden" = col_logical(),
                "created_utc" = col_integer(),
                "controversiality" = col_double(),
                "depth" = col_integer()
  } else if (type == "thread") {

    return(cols(.default = col_character(),
                "view_count" = col_integer(),
                "num_crossposts" = col_integer(),
                "score" = col_integer(),
                "over_18" = col_logical(),
                "gilded" = col_integer(),
                "stickied" = col_logical(),
                "created" = col_integer(),
                "ups" = col_integer(),
                "num_comments" = col_integer(),
                "is_self" = col_logical()

  } else stop("Invalid parameter (must be \"thread\" or \"comment\")")
colindouglas/screddr documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:08 p.m.