Man pages for compbiomed/tableONE
Table One Figure Creation

numericSummarynumericSummary provides the table text for summarizing a...
returnFactorSlotsreturnFactorSlots - a helper function to return character...
returnNumSlotsreturnNumSlots - a helper function to return character...
returnPValreturnPVal - a helper function to return table1 p-values This...
returnSlotsreturnSlots - a helper function to return slots to place in...
returnSlotsUniquereturnSlotsUnique - a helper function to help generate slots...
table1table1 - a function to generate a Table 1 figure
tableRowNamestableRowNames - a helper function to return the row names for...
tableRowNumtableRowNum - a helper function to determine the number of...
compbiomed/tableONE documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:55 p.m.