Man pages for config-i1/greybox
Toolbox for Model Building and Forecasting

accuracyError measures for an estimated model
actualsFunction extracts the actual values from the function
aidAutomatic Identification of Demand
ALaplaceAsymmetric Laplace Distribution
almAugmented Linear Model
associationMeasures of association
BCNormalBox-Cox Normal Distribution
coef.almCoefficients of the model and their statistics
coefbootstrapBootstrap for parameters of models
cramerCalculate Cramer's V for categorical variables
detectdstDST and Leap year detector functions
determinationCoefficients of determination
DistributionsDistribution functions of the greybox package
dsrbootData Shape Replication Bootstrap
error-measuresError measures
errorTypeFunctions that extracts type of error from the model
extractScaleFunctions to extract scale and standard error from a model
FNormalFolded Normal Distribution
gnormThe generalized normal distribution
graphmakerLinear graph construction function
greyboxGrey box
hmHalf moment of a distribution and its derivatives.
implantImplant the scale model in the location model
InformationCriteriaCorrected Akaike's Information Criterion and Bayesian...
isFunctionsGreybox classes checkers
LaplaceLaplace Distribution
lmCombineCombine regressions based on information criteria
lmDynamicCombine regressions based on point information criteria
LogitNormalLogit Normal Distribution
mcorMultiple correlation
measuresError measures for the provided forecasts
nparamNumber of parameters and number of variates in the model
outlierdummyOutlier detection and matrix creation
pcorPartial correlations
pinballPinball function
plot.greyboxPlots of the fit and residuals
pointICPoint AIC
pointLikPoint likelihood values
polyprodThis function calculates parameters for the polynomials
predict.greyboxForecasting using greybox functions
rectNormalRectified Normal Distribution
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rmcbRegression for Multiple Comparison with the Best
roRolling Origin
SDistributionS Distribution
smScale Model
spreadConstruct scatterplot / boxplots for the data
stepwiseStepwise selection of regressors
tableplotConstruct a plot for categorical variable
temporaldummyDummy variables for provided seasonality type
TPLNormalThree Parameter Log Normal Distribution
xregExpanderExogenous variables expander
xregMultiplierExogenous variables cross-products
xregTransformerExogenous variables transformer
config-i1/greybox documentation built on Feb. 11, 2025, 6:34 a.m.