tableplot: Construct a plot for categorical variable

View source: R/tableplot.R

tableplotR Documentation

Construct a plot for categorical variable


Function constructs a plot for two categorical variables based on table function


tableplot(x, y = NULL, labels = TRUE, legend = FALSE, points = TRUE,



First categorical variable. Can be either vector, factor, matrix or a data frame. If y is NULL and x is either matrix of a data frame, then the first two variables of the data will be plotted against each other.


Second categorical variable. If not provided, then only x will be plotted.


Whether to print table labels inside the plot or not.


If TRUE, then the legend for the tableplot is drawn. The plot is then produced on a separate canvas (new par()).


Whether to plot points in the areas. They help in understanding how many values lie in specific categories.


Other parameters passed to the plot function.


The function produces the plot of the table() function with colour densities corresponding to the respective frequencies of appearance. If the value appears more often than the other (e.g. 0.5 vs 0.15), then it will be darker. By default, the frequency of 0 corresponds to the white colour, the frequency of 1 corresponds to the black. The colours can be changed by defining a different palette via the palette() function. In that case only two first colours are used, where the colour intensity changes from the first one to the second one. The function also adds the number of dots (points) proportional to the number of values in each category to simplify the reading of plots.

See details in the vignette "Marketing analytics with greybox": vignette("maUsingGreybox","greybox")


Function does not return anything. It just plots things.


Ivan Svetunkov,

See Also

plot, table, spread


tableplot(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear)

config-i1/greybox documentation built on Feb. 11, 2025, 6:34 a.m.