Man pages for connorrothschild/cr
Custom plot themes for use by Connor Rothschild

cr_colorsFunction to extract 'cr_color_list' colors as hex codes
cr_font_installImport and register Adobe Caslon Pro & Lato font
cr_font_testTest for Adobe Caslon Pro & Lato import and registration
cr_palettesList of CR colors
drop_axisCustom ggplot2 theme for personal use by Connor Rothschild
fix_barsCustom ggplot2 theme for personal use by Connor Rothschild
geom_bargeom_bar in CR style
geom_colgeom_col in CR style
geom_jittergeom_jitter in CR style
geom_linegeom_line in CR style
geom_pathgeom_path in CR style
geom_stepgeom_step in CR style
scale_color_continuousContinuous color scale
scale_color_discreteDiscrete color scale
scale_color_gradientContinuous color scale
scale_color_gradientnContinuous color scale
scale_colour_discreteDiscrete color scale
scale_colour_gradientContinuous color scale
scale_colour_gradientnContinuous color scale
scale_colour_ordinalDiscrete color scale
scale_fill_continuousContinuous fill scale
scale_fill_discreteDiscrete fill scale
scale_fill_gradientContinuous fill scale
scale_fill_gradientnContinuous fill scale
scale_fill_ordinalDiscrete color scale
set_color_palCustom [ggplot2] theme for personal use by Connor Rothschild
set_cr_themeCustom ggplot2 theme for personal use by Connor Rothschild
theme_crA print ggplot2 theme formatted in CR style
undo_cr_themeCustom ggplot2 theme for personal use by Connor Rothschild
view_paletteCustom ggplot2 theme for personal use by Connor Rothschild
connorrothschild/cr documentation built on Oct. 12, 2020, 11:22 p.m.