

This package takes a list of species and finds functional trait information for those species from a number of databases. It downloads the databases to your computer and searches them locally; or accesses them online if possible. It can search the databases for synonyms of the species, in case the names in the database are outdated.

Currently supported databases include - Pantheria ( Note that we use the MSW05 version. - Anage ( - MammalDIET ( - "Body masses of all extant reptiles (Slavenko et al.)" ( - Fishbase - AmphiBIO ( - Amniote database Myhrvold et al. ( - Mammal life histories Ernest ( - Avian body size Lislevand et al. ( - EltonTRAITS ( Note we treat this as two separate databases as illustrated in the Google Sheets, below. - "Generation length for mammals" Pacifici et al. (

How to install

You need to have the devtools package installed and loaded in order for the install_github function to be available:


Then you can install this package with the following code:


Set up


# select a location to store the databases files on your computer
# this will create a folder for each database
databases <- functionaltraits::Databases$new( "path/to/database/folder" )
# this 'databases' object manages the folder of downloaded files on your computer

# this downloads the databases to your computer. If you get an error message, see Help, below

# check that they downloaded properly (if they haven't, see Help below)
# you may need to use the warnings() function if many of the databases failed to download

For the rest of the examples, we assume you have created the databases variable.

Searching for scientific names only

scientific_names <- c( "Equus quagga", "Ursus maritimus", "Tachyglossus aculeatus", "Loxodonta africana" )

results <- databases$search( scientific_names )

Searching for synonyms and getting taxonomic information

The find_species_traits function searches for synonyms and also checks these against the databases. If the name supplied is invalid or cannot be verified by the taxonomic service (eg. due to more than one potential match), then the species is not searched for. This function adds additional information to the output: taxonomic information and common names a column found indicating whether the species was matched by the taxonomic servce * and a column ecolid which is the Catalogue of Life taxnomic ID given to the accepted species name.

scientific_names <- c( "Equus quagga", "Ursus maritimus", "Tachyglossus aculeatus", "Loxodonta africana" )

results <- functionaltraits::find_species_traits( databases, scientific_names )

Specifying which traits to include

There are many traits which can result in data frames with over 400 columns, so sometimes it is easier to select the databases and columns you are interested before searching:

scientific_names <- c( "Equus quagga", "Ursus maritimus", "Tachyglossus aculeatus", "Loxodonta africana" )

traits <- list( 
  "pacifici_generationlength" = c( "GenerationLength_d" ),
  "tacutu_anage" = c( "Common name", "Adult weight (g)" )

results <- databases$search( scientific_names, traits )
# or, if you want to search for synonyms as well:
results <- functionaltraits::find_species_traits( databases, scientific_names, traits )

You can also find the list of traits available to be selected:

print( databases$columns() )

# for example, you could select all databases with the following code:
traits <- databases$columns()
results <- databases$search( scientific_names, traits )

# you can subset from databases$columns() if you want all of the columns from a single database, eg.
traits <- databases$columns()[c( "jones_pantheria", "earnst_mammals" )]
results <- databases$search( scientific_names, traits )

Example output

The output from find_species_traits will be a list with two elements, results and statistics. The element results is a dataframe with the relevant traits, as well as additional taxnomic information:

                    taxa found                            colid                                           synonyms          accepted_name                                                        common_name  kingdom   phylum    class          order         family        genus pacifici_GenerationLength_d tacutu_Adult.weight..g.
1           Equus quagga  TRUE a544b4b97773df703818fb547a3c05bc                                               <NA>           Equus quagga                                               Plains Zebra, Quagga Animalia Chordata Mammalia Perissodactyla        Equidae        Equus                    3659.125                Quagga                  280000
2        Ursus maritimus  TRUE ecf9a73302aa9be16e68c89fb524feb8 Ursus maritimus marinus, Ursus maritimus maritimus        Ursus maritimus                                             Polar Bear, ours blanc Animalia Chordata Mammalia      Carnivora        Ursidae        Ursus                    5475.000            Polar bear                  475000
3 Tachyglossus aculeatus  TRUE db1edc1588907fc51323d4829f25036a                                               <NA> Tachyglossus aculeatus                                               Short-beaked Echidna Animalia Chordata Mammalia    Monotremata Tachyglossidae Tachyglossus                    5687.020  Short-beaked echidna                    3500
4     Loxodonta africana  TRUE 7b498777d8b86d615d26fb2555362a5d                                               <NA>     Loxodonta africana African savannah elephant, African elephant, African Bush Elephant Animalia Chordata Mammalia    Proboscidea   Elephantidae    Loxodonta                    9125.000 African bush elephant                 4800000

The element statistics contains information on how many times a species was present in a database and how many traits were selected from that database:

                  database number_of_matches number_of_columns_selected
1 pacifici_generationlength                 4                          1
2              tacutu_anage                 4                          2

The output will be similar when using databases$search(), except that there will be no taxonomic information or common names.


If you receive an error from a database when you call databases$ready(), you can remove the database using databases$drop( "database_name"" ), eg.

databases <- functionaltraits::Databases$new( "path/to/database/folder" )
# Warning: the database file for earnst_mammals has not been downloaded
databases$drop( "earnst_mammals" )

# you need to re-run the initialise() function to download the databases again


Alternatively, if you don't want to access all of the databases, you can supply a list of the databases you are interested in to databases$new(), eg.

databases <- functionaltraits::Databases$new( "path/to/database/folder",
  functionaltraits::database_list[ c(

This will speed up your code as it won't have to download or search the database files that you don't use.

You can also see ?Databases and ?find_species_traits for more information, contact Stewart Bisset on GitHub (stew822) or open an issue.


In order to contribute, you can fork this repository and send pull requests.

When you make a change to the code, you must rebuild and reload the package: 1. run devtools::document() if you add/remove a file, or change documentation 2. run Build -> Clean and Rebuild from the RStudio menu 3. run Session -> Restart R from the RStudio menu 4. overwrite any instances of the Database class by running databases <- functionaltraits::Databases$new()

conservationscience/functionaltraits documentation built on May 22, 2020, 3:25 a.m.