Man pages for cont-limno/LAGOSNEgis
Extra functions to interact with the GIS module of LAGOSNE

gh_fileGets a file from a github repo, using the Data API blob...
gis_34352List of sf objects corresponding to lagoslakeid 34352
lagosnegis_getGet LAGOSNEgis data
LAGOSNEgis-packageLAGOSNEgis: Extra functions to interact with the GIS module...
lagosnegis_pathGet the path to LAGOSNEgis data
load_xwalkLoad cross walk table between LAGOSNE and NHD
query_gisQuery LAGOS GIS
query_gis_Raw (non-vectorized) query of LAGOS GIS
query_wbdQuery watershed boundary for LAGOS lakes
cont-limno/LAGOSNEgis documentation built on Aug. 10, 2021, 10:53 a.m.