ggpattern 1.1.1

Breaking changes

Deprecated features

New features

Bug fixes and minor improvements

ggpattern 1.0.1

Deprecated features

ggpattern 1.0.0

Bug fixes and minor improvements

ggpattern 0.4.2

Breaking changes

New features

Bug fixes and minor improvements

This change fixes patterns filling holed polygons in certain graphic devices (#68). This change fixes patterns sometimes escaping plot window (#60). draw_key_polygon_pattern(), GeomMapPattern, GeomPolygonPattern, and GeomSfPattern now draws a "border" grob on top of the "pattern" grob (#72). Continuous "pattern_colour", "pattern_fill", and "pattern_fill2" color scales' default "colourbar" guide support should now work. scale_pattern_size_continuous() now uses "pattern_size" aesthetic instead of "size" aesthetic in underlying ggplot2::continuous_scale() call. We now export scale_pattern_alpha() which is an alias of scale_pattern_alpha_continuous().

ggpattern 0.3.1

Breaking changes

{ggpattern} removes the following data/functions which were deprecated in a previous version of {ggpattern}:

Deprecated features

{ggpattern} now deprecates the following data/functions, they may be removed in a future version of {ggpattern}:

New features

Bug fixes and minor improvements

ggpattern 0.2.0

Breaking changes

{ggpattern} now uses {gridpattern} to generate pattern grobs. This means there are minor tweaks to visual behavior:

The following functions copied from {ggplot2} are no longer exported by {ggpattern}:

Deprecated features

{ggpattern} now deprecates the following data/functions, they may be removed in a future version of {ggpattern}:

New features

Bug fixes and minor improvements

ggpattern 0.1.3 2020-06-28

ggpattern 0.1.2 2020-06-28

ggpattern 0.1.1 2020-04-23

ggpattern 0.1.0 2020-04-01

coolbutuseless/ggpattern documentation built on June 7, 2024, 4:21 p.m.