Man pages for coolbutuseless/ggsvg
SVG Glyphs for Ggplot

add_suffixRecursively update all names in a grobTree by adding a suffix...
create_new_GeomPointSVGCreate a fresh instance of a GeomPointSVG ggproto object
cssSpecify an aesthetic that maps to a CSS Selector and Property
draw_key_PointSVGKey for SVG points
geom_point_svgUse SVG images as glyphs for points
ggplot_add.ScaleSVGDefaultS3 method
scale_ggsvg_defaultAutomatically add a default scale for SVG CSS aesthetics
scale_svg_alphaScales for working with arbitrary named aesthetics
scale_svg_colour_gradientContinuous scales for colour and fill aesthetics for 'ggsvg'
scale_svg_defaultPublic facing method
svg_to_rasterGrobConvert SVG to a 'grid' 'rasterGrob' object
coolbutuseless/ggsvg documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 5:48 p.m.