scale_ggsvg_default: Automatically add a default scale for SVG CSS aesthetics

View source: R/scales-defaults.R

scale_ggsvg_defaultR Documentation

Automatically add a default scale for SVG CSS aesthetics


Automatically add a default scale for SVG CSS aesthetics


scale_ggsvg_default(p, verbose = FALSE)



ggplot2 object


Be verbose about what scales are being created? Logical. Default: FALSE


ggplot2 object with default scale_svg_*() added to the plot environment so that ggplot2 will find these scales.

Technical Details

If a scale for a particular aesthetic is not explicitly given, then ggplot2 guesses which scales to use based upon two things:

  • The aesthetic being mapped e.g. fill

  • The type of data that is being mapped e.g. continuous, discrete, date etc

For regular ggplot2 plots, the combination of all these factors have scales included in the ggplot2 package e.g. scale_fill_continous, scale_linetype_discrete.

However, for ggsvg, using css() aesthetics means that there are a very large number of aesthetics being mapped to i.e not just fill and colour, but also stroke-width, angle and many other CSS parameters.

Furthermore, CSS selectors are used to target the aesthetic, and since there are an infinite number of valid CSS selectors, there will be an infinite number of scales needed to be provided by ggsvg.

Fortunately, the majority of things we want to map to in SVG are either colours or numbers, which means that we can create a single colour scale for use with ggsvg and just change its name, then add it to the plot environment so that ggplot2 can find it when it renders the plot.

coolbutuseless/ggsvg documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 5:48 p.m.