Man pages for coolbutuseless/memoisetools
Additional Caches and Helper Functions for the Memoise Package

cache_filesystem2Filesystem Cache with last access timestamp recorded for each...
cache_memory2In Memory Cache with last access timestamp recorded for each...
expire_cacheDelete objects in the cache older than the specified age
get_cache_dir_infoSum of the size of all files in a directory which have the...
get_cache_infoGet information about the memory or filesystem cache
get_memoise_infoGet information about the cache/caches for a memoised...
memoise_with_mixed_backendA version of 'memoise::memoise' which does not cache results...
memoise_with_result_size_limitA version of 'memoise::memoise' which does not cache results...
coolbutuseless/memoisetools documentation built on May 31, 2019, 12:45 a.m.