Man pages for coolbutuseless/minisvg
SVG Document Builder

add_methodAdd a method to the SVGElement class which creates a new...
as.character.SVGDocumentCharacter representation of SVGDocument
as.character.SVGElementCharacter representation of SVGElement
as.character.SVGLiteralCharacter representation of SVGLiteral
as.character.SVGNodeCharacter representation of SVGNode
as.character.svg_propertyConvert a CSS 'property' object to a string
knit_print.SVGDocumentknitr/rmarkdown compatibility
knit_print.SVGFilterknitr/rmarkdown compatibility
knit_print.SVGPatternknitr/rmarkdown compatibility
parse_innerRecursively parse an XML2 node tree into a 'minixml' document
parse_svg_docParse SVG text or file into an SVGDocument or SVGElement
presCreate a list of presentation attributes.
print.svg_propertyPrint a CSS 'property' object
show_svgSVG shower
stagSVG helper
SVGDocumentSVGDocument Class
SVGElementA class representing a single SVG element.
SVGFilterSVGFilter Class
SVGLiteralA class representing a literal SVG element.
SVGNodeA class representing a single SVG element.
SVGPatternSVGPattern Class
SVGPatternList_to_svgCreate a complete SVG object from an svg pattern
svg_propSVG property helper
coolbutuseless/minisvg documentation built on May 2, 2020, 3:15 a.m.