
#' Find words which contain the given phoneme character strings
#' @inheritParams homophones_phonemes
#' @return Character vector of words which contain the given phonemes
#' @examples
#' # Find all words which contain the sound of "through" when spoken
#' phons <- phonemes("through")
#' contains_pronunciation_phonemes(phons)
#' @export
contains_pronunciation_phonemes <- function(phons, keep_stresses = FALSE) {

  phons <- sanitize_phons(phons)
  dict  <- choose_dict(keep_stresses)

  if (!keep_stresses) {
    phons <- remove_stresses(phons)

  idxs <- stringr::str_which(dict, phons)


#' Find words which contain pronunciation of the given word
#' @inheritParams homophones
#' @return Character vector of words which contain the pronunciation of the
#'         given word.
#' @examples
#' # Find all words which contain the sound of "through" when spoken
#' contains_pronunciation('through')
#' @export
contains_pronunciation <- function(word, keep_stresses = FALSE) {

    dict  <- choose_dict(keep_stresses)
    phons <- dict[names(dict) == word]
    words <- contains_pronunciation_phonemes(phons, keep_stresses)
    setdiff(words, word)
coolbutuseless/phon documentation built on May 31, 2019, 5:40 a.m.