  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"



Calculate landmark sets for finite metric spaces using the maxmin procedure (for fixed-radius balls) or an adaptation of it for rank data (for roughly fixed-cardinality nearest neighborhoods).

(x <- matrix(c(-1, -.5, 0, .75, .875, 1), dimnames = list(letters[1:6], "x")))
plot(cbind(x, 0), asp = 1, pch = 16)
text(cbind(x, .05), labels = rownames(x))

maxmin procedure

The original maxmin procedure produces a landmark set for covering a point cloud with either of two minimal ball covers:

x[landmarks_maxmin(x, radius = 0.5, engine = "C++"), , drop = FALSE]
x[landmarks_maxmin(x, radius = 0.25, engine = "C++"), , drop = FALSE]
x[landmarks_maxmin(x, radius = 0.125, engine = "C++"), , drop = FALSE]
x[landmarks_maxmin(x, num = 6L, engine = "C++"), , drop = FALSE]
landmarks_maxmin(x, num = 4L, engine = "R", cover = TRUE)
landmarks_maxmin(x, radius = 0.5, engine = "R", cover = TRUE)
landmarks_maxmin(x, radius = 1.5, engine = "R", cover = TRUE)
landmarks_maxmin(x, radius = 3.5, engine = "R", cover = TRUE)

lastfirst procedure

An adaptation of maxmin to ranked distances will produce a landmark set for covering a point cloud with either of two minimal neighborhood covers:

Cardinality is only exact up to ties, which may be handled different ways and will result in cover sets of different cardinalities.

x[landmarks_lastfirst(x, cardinality = 3L, seed_index = 6L), , drop = FALSE]
x[landmarks_lastfirst(x, cardinality = 2L, seed_index = 6L), , drop = FALSE]
x[landmarks_lastfirst(x, num = 4L, seed_index = 6L), , drop = FALSE]
x[landmarks_lastfirst(x, cardinality = 1L, seed_index = 6L), , drop = FALSE]
landmarks_lastfirst(x, cardinality = 1L, seed_index = 6L, engine = "C++", cover = TRUE)
landmarks_lastfirst(x, num = 4L, seed_index = 6L, engine = "C++", cover = TRUE)
landmarks_lastfirst(x, cardinality = 3L, seed_index = 6L, engine = "C++", cover = TRUE)
landmarks_lastfirst(x, cardinality = 5L, seed_index = 6L, engine = "C++", cover = TRUE)


This package was spun off from the Mapper package.

A rigorous mathematical treatment is underway at this Overleaf project.

corybrunson/maxmin documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 1:58 a.m.