Man pages for cosname/recharts
An R Interface to ECharts

and-.echartsMerge the two ECharts into one output .
convertIdximportFrom DT convertIdx
eAreaCreate an HTML area charts widget using the...
eAxis.XSet recharts x Axis option
eAxis.YSet recharts y Axis option
eBarCreate an HTML bar charts widget using the...
eBmapCreate an HTML map charts widget using the...
eCalculableSet recharts drag-recaluculation option
eCandleCreate an HTML candle charts widget using the...
echartsExampleCreate Echarts from Echarts Glaery
echartsLayoutset multiple echarts layout
eDataRangeSet recharts dataRange option
eDataZoomSet recharts x dataZoom option
eForceForce network graph
eFunnelCreate an HTML funnel charts widget using the...
eGridSet recharts grid option
eHLineCreate an HTML bar charts widget using the...
eLegendSet recharts legend option
eLineCreate an HTML line charts widget using the...
eLiquidCreate an HTML Liquid charts widget using the...
eMapCreate an HTML map charts widget using the...
eMarkPointCreate an markpoint using the ECharts(version:3.2.2) library
eOptionSet recharts general option
eParallelCreate an HTML parallel charts widget using the...
ePieCreate an HTML pie charts widget using the...
ePlotCreate rEcharts from an R object
ePointsCreate an HTML scatter charts widget using the...
ePolarSet recharts polar option
eRadarCreate an HTML radar charts widget using the...
eSankeyCreate an HTML sankey charts widget using the...
escapeDataimportFrom DT escapeData
eThemeSet recharts theme option
eTimelineSave recharts into a png/jpg file
eTitleSet recharts title option
eTitleSetrecharts tilte Set fucntion
eToolboxSet recharts toolbox option
eTooltipSet recharts tooltip option
eWordcloudCreate an HTML parallel charts widget using the...
is.optionReports whether x is a option object
lazyPlotModify the echarts object through shiny server
mapInfoDfmapInfoDf use for china map name reference.
mapTestData_chsmapTestData_chs use for eMap chart generation.
optionSet recharts option
optionSetrecharts set fucntion
parallelDfparallelDf use for eParallel chart generation.
pauserecharts demo pause function
plus-.echartsModify a recharts by adding on new components.
recharts-shinyWrapper functions for Shiny
saveREchartsSave recharts into a png/jpg file
tilteSetrecharts tilteSet fucntion
wordFreqDfwordFreqDf for eWordcloud chart generation.
wordFreqDf_chswordFreqDf_chs for eWordcloud chart generation.
cosname/recharts documentation built on Aug. 29, 2020, 9:47 a.m.