library(doSNOW) ## for load balancing in spaMM
options(width = 110)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = FALSE, cache.path = "./cache_knitr/GLM_intro/", fig.path = "./fig_knitr/GLM_intro/", fig.width = 5, fig.height = 5, fig.align = "center", error = TRUE)
spaMM::spaMM.options(nb_cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1L)

The Generalized Linear Model: GLM

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You will learn in this session r .emo("goal")

Definition and notations

Mathematical notations of GLM r .emo("info")

$\eta_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \times x_{1,i} + \beta_2 \times x_{2,i} + \dots + \beta_{p} \times x_{p,i}$ or in matrix notation $\eta = \text{X}\beta$ ,


We call:

The GLM fit leads to $\text{Y} = g^{-1}(\eta) + \epsilon = g^{-1}(\text{X}\beta) + \epsilon = g^{-1}(\widehat{\eta})+ \varepsilon = g^{-1}(\text{X}\widehat{\beta}) + \varepsilon$

Here the errors can have a distribution other than Gaussian.

LM is a particular case of GLM r .emo("info")

$\eta_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \times x_{1,i} + \beta_2 \times x_{2,i} + \dots + \beta_{p} \times x_{p,i}$ or in matrix notation $\eta = \text{X}\beta$ ,


This is identical to the LM if:

So in GLM, the probability distribution of $\text{Y}$ can be Gaussian.

GLM can do more than LM! r .emo("info")

The response

This includes:

What do we need to fit a GLM? r .emo("info")

The probability distribution and the link function are obtained in R by calling the family functions:

gaussian(link = "identity")
binomial(link = "logit")
poisson(link = "log")

Note: the objects of class family created by these functions also contain other useful information needed for the fitting procedure.

Data and model fits for this session

Simulating data for GLM r .emo("alien")

Aliens <- data.frame(humans_eaten = round(runif(n = 20, min = 0, max = 15)))
Aliens$size  <- rnorm( n  = 20, mean = 50 + 1.5 * Aliens$humans_eaten, sd = 5)
Aliens$eggs  <- rpois( n  = 20, lambda = exp(-1 + 0.1 * Aliens$humans_eaten))
Aliens$happy <- rbinom(n  = 20, size = 1, prob = plogis(-3 + 0.3 * Aliens$humans_eaten))
Aliens$all_eyes  <- round(runif(nrow(Aliens), min = 1, max = 12))
Aliens$blue_eyes <- rbinom(n = nrow(Aliens), size = Aliens$all_eyes,
                           prob = plogis(-2 + 0.5 * Aliens$humans_eaten))
Aliens$pink_eyes <- Aliens$all_eyes - Aliens$blue_eyes

Simulating data for GLM r .emo("alien")

Or, using the {LM2GLMM} function:

Aliens <- simulate_Aliens_GLM(N = 20)

The true parameter values are stored as attributes if you need them r .emo("nerd")

attributes(Aliens)$param.eta$blue_eyes  ## to get back the parameters

Fitting the models r .emo("practice")

fit_gauss_lm <- lm(size  ~ humans_eaten, data = Aliens)

fit_gauss <- glm(size  ~ humans_eaten, family = gaussian(), data = Aliens)
fit_poiss <- glm(eggs  ~ humans_eaten, family = poisson(),  data = Aliens)
fit_binar <- glm(happy ~ humans_eaten, family = binomial(), data = Aliens)
fit_binom <- glm(cbind(blue_eyes, pink_eyes) ~ humans_eaten, family = binomial(),  data = Aliens)

fit_gauss_spaMM_ML <- fitme(size  ~ humans_eaten, family = gaussian(), data = Aliens)
fit_poiss_spaMM_ML <- fitme(eggs  ~ humans_eaten, family = poisson(),  data = Aliens)
fit_binar_spaMM_ML <- fitme(happy ~ humans_eaten, family = binomial(), data = Aliens)
fit_binom_spaMM_ML <- fitme(cbind(blue_eyes, pink_eyes) ~ humans_eaten, family = binomial(),  data = Aliens)

fit_gauss_spaMM_REML <- fitme(size  ~ humans_eaten, family = gaussian(), data = Aliens, method = "REML")
fit_poiss_spaMM_REML <- fitme(eggs  ~ humans_eaten, family = poisson(),  data = Aliens, method = "REML")
fit_binar_spaMM_REML <- fitme(happy ~ humans_eaten, family = binomial(), data = Aliens, method = "REML")
fit_binom_spaMM_REML <- fitme(cbind(blue_eyes, pink_eyes) ~ humans_eaten, family = binomial(),  data = Aliens,
                              method = "REML")

The fitted GLM from stats::glm() r .emo("practice")


The fitted GLM from spaMM::fitme() r .emo("practice")


Sometimes data wrangling is necessary to fit a particular model r .emo("practice")

#EXAMPLE 1: Wrangle binomial data to be used as count data
#Model total number of eyes, not proportion of blue eyes
Aliens$CountEyes <- Aliens$blue_eyes + Aliens$pink_eyes
glm(CountEyes ~ humans_eaten, data = Aliens, family = poisson(link = "log"))
#EXAMPLE 2: Wrangle count data to be used as binary data
#Model whether aliens had 0 or >0 eggs, rather than modelling egg count
Aliens$hadeggs <- Aliens$eggs > 0
glm(hadeggs ~ humans_eaten, data = Aliens, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
#EXAMPLE 3: Wrangle quantitative predictor to be used as qualitative predictor
#Treat size as three categories
#Here 'small' is less than 25th percentile, 'big' is greater than 75th percentile
Aliens$size_cat <- ifelse(Aliens$size < 60, "small", ifelse(Aliens$size > 68, "big", "medium"))
glm(hadeggs ~ size_cat, data = Aliens, family = binomial(link = "logit"))

The family object

What does the family object contain? r .emo("info")

A lot of functions that will be used by stats::glm() and friends:

str(binomial(link = "logit"))

Note: we will explore the 2 most useful components.

The link function (link & linkfun) r .emo("practice")

The link function converts the values from the scale of the response to the one of the linear predictor.

binomial(link = "logit")$linkfun(0.9)  ## the default
log(0.9/(1 - 0.9))
binomial(link = "probit")$linkfun(0.9)

Note: when things get complex, to convert the values from the scale of the response to the one of the linear predictor, use linkfun() from the family object instead of trying to do it by hand.

The inverse link function (linkinv) r .emo("practice")

The inverse link function converts the values of the linear predictor back into the scale of the response.

binomial(link = "logit")$linkinv(2.197225)
1/(1 + exp(-2.197225))

Note: when things get complex, to convert the values from the scale of the linear predictor to the one of the response, use linkinv() from the family object instead of trying to do it by hand.

Fitting procedure

How to fit a GLM? r .emo("info")

By maximum likelihood

We want to find the $\widehat{\beta}$ maximizing the likelihood.

This is the same as finding the $\widehat{\beta}$ minimizing the residual deviance.

Residual deviance = $-2 \times (\text{logLik}\text{focal fit} - \text{logLik}\text{staturated fit})$

A simple function to fit GLM numerically r .emo("info")

my_glm1 <- function(formula, data, family, weights = NULL) { <- model.frame(formula = formula, data = data)  ## keep only useful rows and columns
  X <- model.matrix(object = formula, data =     ## build design matrix
  y <- model.response(                            ## extract response
  nobs <- NROW(y) ## count the rows of observations (not nrow() as y can be a vector or a matrix)
  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1, nobs)  ## set the prior.weights if NULL

  etastart <- start <- mustart <- NULL  ## required for family$initialize
  eval(family$initialize)               ## recomputes y and prior weights if binomial + cbind

  get_resid_deviance <- function(coef) {  ## define function computing the unscaled residual deviance
    eta <- as.numeric(X %*% coef)   ## compute the linear predictors
    mu  <- family$linkinv(eta)      ## express the linear predictor in the scale of the response
    sum(family$dev.resids(y, mu, weights))  ## compute the deviance. Here: prior weights are used!

  fit <- nlminb(rep(0, ncol(X)), get_resid_deviance) ## optimisation; same as optim() but seems to work better
  if (fit$convergence != 0) warning("the algorithm did not converge")  ## test if convergence has been reached
  fit$par  ## returns estimates

Note: it should handle all families but it does not consider offsets, convergence issues and maybe other sources of complexity.

No analytic solution... r .emo("info")


unlike LM there is no analytic solution to directly obtain maximum likelihood estimates (MLE)!

Solution to avoid the full numerical optimisation

The function fits GLM using an iterative algorithm based on weighted least squares to update parameter estimates.

The working weights (not to be mixed up with prior weights) are inversely proportional to the variance of the response, but the variance depends on the mean which, in turn, depends on the parameters.

The algorithm fixes these weights, determines the parameter values that minimize the weighted sum of squared residuals, then updates the weights and repeats the process until the weights stabilize (it usually happens in very few iterations).

This algorithm is thus called IRLS for iteratively re-weighted least squares, it is also sometimes called Fisher's scoring which has been proposed by Fisher (in a context more general than GLM).

A toy function using IRLS r .emo("nerd")

my_glm2 <- function(formula, data, family, weights = NULL) { <- model.frame(formula = formula, data = data)  ## keep only useful rows and columns
  X <- model.matrix(object = formula, data =     ## build design matrix
  y <- model.response(                            ## extract response
  nobs <- NROW(y) ## count the rows of observations (not nrow() as y can be a vector or a matrix)
  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1, nobs)  ## set the prior.weights if NULL

  etastart <- start <- mustart <- NULL  ## required for family$initialize
  eval(family$initialize)         ## creates mustart -- the initial values for mu -- and 
                                  ## recomputes y and weights if binomial + cbind
  eta <- family$linkfun(mustart)  ## compute initial values for eta from mustart

  for (iter in 1:25L) {
    mu <- family$linkinv(eta)    ## compute the fitted values
    deriv <- family$mu.eta(eta)  ## compute the derivative d mu/d eta
    w <- (y - mu)/deriv          ## compute the working residuals
    Z <- eta + w                 ## compute the adjusted response
    W <- weights*deriv^2/family$variance(mu)  ## compute the working weights <- lm(Z ~ X - 1, weights = W)  ## lm with weights
    beta <-$coef  ## extract the estimates
    eta <- X %*% beta    ## compute the linear predictor
  beta  ## returns estimates

Iterations in action r .emo("practice")

The algorithm usually converges quickly:

foo <- glm(size ~ humans_eaten, data = Aliens, family = gaussian(), control = list(trace = TRUE))
foo <- glm(eggs ~ humans_eaten, data = Aliens, family = poisson(), control = list(trace = TRUE))

Note: check other options for the iterative procedure in ?glm.control

A mockup r .emo("nerd") r .emo("nerd") r .emo("nerd")

my_glm3 <- function(formula, data, family, weights = NULL) { <- model.frame(formula = formula, data = data)  ## keep only useful rows and columns
  X <- model.matrix(object = formula, data =     ## build design matrix
  y <- model.response(                            ## extract response
  nobs <- NROW(y) ## count the rows of observations (not nrow() as y can be a vector or a matrix)
  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1, nobs)  ## set the prior.weights if NULL
  etastart <- start <- mustart <- NULL  ## required for family$initialize
  eval(family$initialize)         ## creates mustart -- the initial values for mu -- and 
                                  ## recomputes y and weights if binomial + cbind
  eta <- family$linkfun(mustart)  ## compute initial values for eta from mustart
  devold <- Inf  ## set old residual deviance | does something more clever here
  for (iter in 1:25L) {
    mu <- family$linkinv(eta)    ## compute the fitted values
    deriv <- family$mu.eta(eta)  ## compute the derivative d mu/d eta
    w <- (y - mu)/deriv          ## compute the working residuals
    Z <- eta + w                 ## compute the adjusted response
    W <- weights*deriv^2/family$variance(mu)  ## compute the working weights
    dev <- sum(family$dev.resids(y, mu, weights))        ## compute residual deviance
    if (abs(dev - devold)/(0.1 + abs(dev)) < 1e-7) break ## leave loop if it has converged
    devold <- dev  ## update residual deviance
    QR <- qr(X*sqrt(W))  ## perform the QR decomposition | uses C_Cdqrls directly.
    beta <- qr.coef(QR, Z*sqrt(W))  ## compute coefficients | uses C_Cdqrls directly.
    eta <- as.numeric(X %*% beta)  ## compute the predicted values on the scale of the linear predictor
  if (iter == 25L) warning("the algorithm did not converge after 25 iterations...")
  beta  ## returns estimates

Fitting troubles

The iterative algorithm can sometimes fail r .emo("broken")

test <- data.frame(x = c(8.752, 20.27, 24.71, 32.88, 27.27, 19.09),
                   y = c(5254, 35.92, 84.14, 641.8, 1.21, 47.2))
glm(y ~ x, data = test, family = Gamma(link = "log"), control = list(trace = TRUE)) 

Coping with iterative algorithm failures r .emo("practice")

You may try to play with parameters of the iterative algorithm...

glm(y ~ x, data = test, family = Gamma(link = "log"), start = c(10, -0.1),
    control = list(epsilon = 1e-3, trace = TRUE))

... but unless you really know what you are doing (& I don't), you risk to make the optimisation algorithm stop prematurely without warning.

Coping with iterative algorithm failures r .emo("practice")

You may also try other fitting methods (safer & easier):

library(spaMM) ## you need to load spaMM explicitly for that
glm(y ~ x, data = test, family = Gamma(link = "log"), method = "")

Coping with iterative algorithm failures r .emo("practice")

You may also try other fitting functions (which is equivalent to selecting alternative fitting methods):

fitme(y ~ x, data = test, family = Gamma(link = "log"))

Coping with iterative algorithm failures r .emo("practice")

Just for fun let's try our toy functions too:

my_glm1(y ~ x, data = test, family = Gamma(link = "log"))  ## Yay! It works
my_glm2(y ~ x, data = test, family = Gamma(link = "log"))  ## Silly results
my_glm3(y ~ x, data = test, family = Gamma(link = "log"))  ## Crash

GLM vs LM with transformation

The example of the GLM Poisson r .emo("info")

If the process generating the data is not Gaussian fits will be more difficult...

manyAliens <- simulate_Aliens_GLM(N = 1000)
fit_lm <- lm(log(eggs) ~ humans_eaten, data = manyAliens) ## fails due to log(0)

...and parameter estimates may be substantially biased:

fit_lm2 <- lm(log(eggs+1) ~ humans_eaten, data = manyAliens) ## runs since no longer 0s
fit_glm <- glm(eggs ~ humans_eaten, family = poisson(), data = manyAliens)
rbind(ground_truth = attr(manyAliens, "param.eta")$eggs,
      GLM_Poisson = fit_glm$coefficients,
      LM = fit_lm2$coefficients)

The example of the GLM Poisson r .emo("info")

If the process generating the data is not Gaussian the assumptions for LM will also often not be met:

par(mfrow = c(1, 4))

But, if the process is Gaussian... r .emo("info")

x <- seq(1, 2, length = 100)
simu <- replicate(100, {
  y <- exp(rnorm(n = length(x), mean = 2 + 1 * x, sd = 2)) ## exp(mean_resp + error)
  fit_lm   <- lm(log(y) ~ x)
  fit_glm  <- glm(y ~ x, family = gaussian(link = "log"))
  c(coef(fit_lm), coef(fit_glm))

  ground_truth = c("mean int" = 2, "sd int" = NA,
                   "mean slope" = 1, "sd slope" = NA),
  LM = c("mean int" = mean(simu[1, ]), "sd int" = sd(simu[1, ]),
         "mean slope" = mean(simu[2, ]), "sd slope" = sd(simu[2, ])),
  GLM = c(mean(simu[3, ]), sd(simu[3, ]), mean(simu[4, ]), sd(simu[4, ]))), 3)

Note: in fit_glm the expected values are log transformed, not the residuals! So the estimates produced by this fit are biased.

But, if the process is Gaussian... r .emo("info")

x <- seq(1, 2, length = 100)
simu <- replicate(100, {
  y <- rnorm(n = length(x), mean = exp(2 + 1 * x), sd = 2) ## exp(mean_resp) + error
  fit_lm   <- lm(log(y) ~ x)
  fit_glm  <- glm(y ~ x, family = gaussian(link = "log"))
  c(coef(fit_lm), coef(fit_glm))

  ground_truth = c("mean int" = 2, "sd int" = NA,
                   "mean slope" = 1, "sd slope" = NA),
  LM = c("mean int" = mean(simu[1, ]), "sd int" = sd(simu[1, ]),
         "mean slope" = mean(simu[2, ]), "sd slope" = sd(simu[2, ])),
  GLM = c(mean(simu[3, ]), sd(simu[3, ]), mean(simu[4, ]), sd(simu[4, ]))), 3)

Note: here fit_glm corresponds to the simulation model, so the estimates produced are better than the alternatives.

How to compare LM and GLM? r .emo("practice")

We can compare deviances (smaller = better), but not directly:

x <- seq(1, 2, length = 100)
y <- rnorm(n = length(x), mean = exp(2 + 1 * x), sd = 5)

fit_glm  <- glm(y ~ x, family = gaussian(link = "log"))
fit_lm   <- lm(log(y) ~ x)

rbind("deviance GLM"          = deviance(fit_glm),
      "raw deviance LM"       = deviance(fit_lm),  ## not comparable as response = log(y)
      "corrected deviance LM" = sum((y - exp(predict(fit_lm)))^2))  ## comparable deviance for lm

Note: you cannot use AIC in this case since the responses differ!


2 scales for predictions r .emo("practice")

You can predict outcomes for 2 different scales

predict(fit_binom, newdata = data.frame(humans_eaten = 1:5), type = "link")

Note: the numbers correspond here to logits since it is the link function used in this fit.

predict(fit_binom, newdata = data.frame(humans_eaten = 1:5), type = "response")

Note: the numbers correspond here to probabilities since it is a binomial fit.

2 scales for predictions r .emo("info")

p_link <- predict(fit_binom, newdata = data.frame(humans_eaten = 1:5), type = "link")
p_resp <- predict(fit_binom, newdata = data.frame(humans_eaten = 1:5), type = "response")

logit_data <- data.frame(x = x <- seq(-4, 4, length = 100), y = plogis(x))
pred_data <- = 1:5, link = p_link, response = p_resp))
pred_data_expanded <- data.frame(x = x <- seq(0, 10, length = 100),
                                 y = predict(fit_binom, newdata = data.frame(humans_eaten = x), type = "response"))

ggplot() +
  geom_abline(slope = coef(fit_binom)["humans_eaten"][[1]], intercept = coef(fit_binom)["(Intercept)"][[1]], linetype = "dashed") +
  geom_point(aes(y = link, x = humans_eaten, colour = factor(humans_eaten)), data = pred_data, size = 2) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 10), breaks = 0:10) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-4, 4), breaks = seq(-4, 4, by = 2)) +
  labs(y = "prediction (link scale)", x = "humans eaten", colour = "humans eaten") +
  theme_bw() -> p1

ggplot() +
    geom_segment(aes(y = response, yend = response, xend = -4, x = link), data = pred_data, lty = 1, size = 0.25,
                 arrow = arrow(length = unit(3, "mm"))) +
    geom_segment(aes(y = response, yend = -Inf, x = link, xend = link),
                 data = pred_data, lty = 1, size = 0.25) +
    geom_text(aes(y = response + 0.05, x = -2, label = "Inverse\nlink function"),
              data = pred_data[5, ], size = 3.5) +
    geom_line(aes(y = y, x = x), data = logit_data, linetype = "dashed") +
    geom_point(aes(y = response, x = link, colour = factor(humans_eaten)), data = pred_data, size = 2) +
    labs(y = "prediction (response scale)", x = "prediction (link scale)", colour = "humans eaten") +
    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
    theme_bw() -> p2

ggplot() +
  geom_line(aes(y = y, x = x), data = pred_data_expanded, linetype = "dashed") +
  geom_point(aes(y = response, x = humans_eaten, colour = factor(humans_eaten)), data = pred_data, size = 2) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 10), breaks = 0:10) +
  labs(y = "prediction (response scale)", x = "humans eaten", colour = "humans eaten") +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1)) +
  theme_bw() -> p3

p1 + p2 + p3 + plot_layout(guides = "collect")

Predictions on the linear scale r .emo("recap")

The predictions on the linear scale work just as we saw it for LMs.

How do we interpret the coefficients on the linear scale?


Predictions on the response scale r .emo("info")

Doing the right thing can be tricky (even when a single predictor is involved)...


Because on the response scale the prediction associated with a mean value is not equal to the mean of predictions associated with each values.

Aliens2       <- data.frame(humans_eaten = rpois(n = 1000, lambda = 4)) ## new data making difference obvious
Aliens2$happy <- rbinom(n  = 1000, size = 1, prob = plogis(-3 + 0.3 * Aliens2$humans_eaten))
fit_binar2    <- glm(happy ~ humans_eaten, family = binomial(), data = Aliens2)
predict(fit_binar2, newdata = data.frame(humans_eaten = mean(Aliens2$humans_eaten)), type = "response")[[1]]
mean(predict(fit_binar2, newdata = data.frame(humans_eaten = Aliens2$humans_eaten), type = "response"))

Note: considering a predictor at its mean no longer gives the mean expectation.

Predictions on the response scale r .emo("practice")

Let's illustrate the issue on a more realistic model fit:

fit_titanic <- glm(survived ~ sex*age*passengerClass, data = TitanicSurvival, family = binomial())
newdata1 <- expand.grid(sex = levels(model.frame(fit_titanic)$sex),
                        passengerClass = levels(model.frame(fit_titanic)$passengerClass),
                        age = mean(model.frame(fit_titanic)$age))
preds1 <- predict(fit_titanic, newdata = newdata1, type = "response")
cbind(newdata1, wrong_survival = preds1)

Predictions on the response scale r .emo("practice")

Let's illustrate the issue on a more realistic model fit:

fit_titanic <- glm(survived ~ sex*age*passengerClass, data = TitanicSurvival, family = binomial())
newdata_focal <- expand.grid(sex = levels(model.frame(fit_titanic)$sex),
                             passengerClass = levels(model.frame(fit_titanic)$passengerClass))
newdata_nonfocal <- data.frame(age = model.frame(fit_titanic)$age)
newdata2 <- merge(newdata_focal, newdata_nonfocal)
preds2 <- cbind(newdata2, survival_pdep = predict(fit_titanic, newdata = newdata2, type = "response"))
output_pdep <- aggregate(survival_pdep ~ sex + passengerClass, data = preds2, FUN = mean)
output_pdep$wrong_survival <- preds1

Predictions on the response scale r .emo("practice")

Let's illustrate the issue on a more realistic model fit:

fit_titanic <- glm(survived ~ sex*age*passengerClass, data = TitanicSurvival, family = binomial())
newdata3 <- aggregate(age ~ sex + passengerClass, data = model.frame(fit_titanic), FUN = identity) #Mean prediction across predictor values. Correct
newdata3 <- tidyr::unnest(newdata3, cols = age) ## unnest the list column storing ages
preds3 <- cbind(newdata3, survival_cond = predict(fit_titanic, newdata = newdata3, type = "response"))
output_cond <- aggregate(survival_cond ~ sex + passengerClass, data = preds3, FUN = mean)
output_cond$survival_pdep  <- output_pdep$survival
output_cond$wrong_survival <- preds1

Predictions on the response scale r .emo("practice")

Things can be easier with {spaMM} provided that:

fit_titanic_spaMM <- fitme(survived ~ sex*age*passengerClass, data = TitanicSurvival, family = binomial())
pdep_effects(fit_titanic_spaMM, focal_var = "passengerClass")

Predictions on the response scale r .emo("practice")

Things can be easier with {spaMM} provided that:

fit_titanic_spaMM <- fitme(survived ~ sex*age*passengerClass, data = TitanicSurvival, family = binomial())

Doing the same by hand:

newdata1 <- newdata2 <- newdata3 <- model.frame(fit_titanic_spaMM)
newdata1["passengerClass"] <- "1st"
newdata2["passengerClass"] <- "2nd"
newdata3["passengerClass"] <- "3rd"
newdata <- rbind(newdata1, newdata2, newdata3)
preds <- cbind(newdata, survival = predict(fit_titanic_spaMM, newdata = newdata))
aggregate(survival ~ passengerClass, data = preds, FUN = mean)

Interpreting regression coefficients

Estimates with the Gaussian family r .emo("recap")

Same as LM (when link = identity)!

Estimates with the Poisson family with log link r .emo("info")

Predictions for $\eta$ and $\mu$ differ!

predict(fit_poiss, newdata = data.frame(humans_eaten = 10)) #Linear predictor scale by default
coef(fit_poiss)[1] + 10 * coef(fit_poiss)[2]

Because we used the link function log, this is a log number of eggs!

Estimates with the Poisson family with log link r .emo("info")

Predictions for $\eta$ and $\mu$ differ!

predict(fit_poiss, newdata = data.frame(humans_eaten = 10), type = "response")
exp(coef(fit_poiss)[1] + 10 * coef(fit_poiss)[2])

This is the average number of eggs predicted for aliens eating 10 humans.

Estimates with the Poisson family with log link r .emo("info")

The model parameters are linear for $\eta$, not $\mu$!

What happens when different aliens eat one additional human?

(p.eta <- predict(fit_poiss, newdata = data.frame(humans_eaten = 1:5))) #Linear predictor scale by default

Note: the effect is constant at the scale of the linear predictor.

Estimates with the Poisson family with log link r .emo("info")

The model parameters are linear for $\eta$, not $\mu$!

What happens when different aliens eat one additional human?

( <- predict(fit_poiss, newdata = data.frame(humans_eaten = 1:5), type = "response"))

Note: the effect is NOT constant at the scale of the response.

Estimates with the Poisson family with log link r .emo("practice")

Ratios are the way out:[-1] /[-5]

Eating one additional human increases the average number of eggs produced by aliens by r exp(fit_poiss$coefficients[2]) times, which is equivalent to r 100*exp(fit_poiss$coefficients[2])-100%.

Note: if you change the link function, the recipe will be different!

Estimates and the Binomial with logit link r .emo("info")

( <- predict(fit_binom, newdata = data.frame(humans_eaten = 1:5), type = "response"))

Note: the effect is also not constant at the scale of the response!

Estimates and the Binomial with logit link r .emo("practice")

Odds ratios are the way out:

odds <- / (1 -
odds[-1] / odds[-5]

The effect is constant on the scale of the odds ratios!

And the odds ratios can also be directly deduced from the parameter estimates:


Eating one additional human increases the odd of aliens having blue eyes by r round(exp(fit_binom$coefficients[2]), 2) times.

Estimates and the Binomial with logit link r .emo("practice")

What happens when different aliens eat 10 additional humans? <- predict(fit_binom, newdata = data.frame(humans_eaten = c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40)), type = "response")
odd <- / (1 -
odd[-1] / odd[-5]

It is also constant and predicted from:

exp(fit_binom$coefficients[2] * 10)

Note: as odds-ratios are ratios, a value of 0.1 means a 10 (=1/0.1) fold reduction in odds.

Testing regression coefficients

Summary: gaussian r .emo("info")


Summary: gaussian r .emo("recap")

Just like LM!


Summary: other families r .emo("practice")

Example: Poisson

z <- (coef(fit_poiss) - 0) / sqrt(diag(vcov(fit_poiss)))
pvalues <- 2 * pnorm(abs(z), lower.tail = FALSE)
cbind(z, pvalues)
summary(fit_poiss_spaMM_ML, details = c(p_value = "Wald"), verbose = FALSE)$beta_table ## same with spaMM

Note: when the dispersion parameter is not estimated, summary uses $z$, not $t$. Yet, these so-called "Wald tests" are not very reliable and it is better to rely on CI build using likelihood profiling or parametric bootstrap.

Distribution of parameter estimates r .emo("info")

The parameter estimates are asymptotically normally distributed as in LM, but for non-Gaussian families small sample sizes deviate strongly from the asymptotic case. Example with large N:

new_betas <- t(replicate(1000, update(fit_binar, data = simulate_Aliens_GLM(N = 1000))$coef))
wzxhzdk:91 wzxhzdk:92

Distribution of parameter estimates r .emo("warn")

The parameter estimates are asymptotically normally distributed as in LM, but for non-Gaussian families small sample sizes deviate strongly from the asymptotic case. Example with small N:

new_betas <- t(replicate(1000, update(fit_binar, data = simulate_Aliens_GLM(N = 10))$coef))
wzxhzdk:94 wzxhzdk:95

Note: this is why the so-called Wald tests shown earlier are not great...

Anova: gaussian r .emo("info")

For gaussian() (and quasiXXX()) the F-test is the one you should use (as we have seen it with LM):

car::Anova(fit_gauss, test = "F")

Anova: Poisson and Binomial r .emo("info") r .emo("proof")

What about a F-test?

N <- 20
pv <- replicate(1000, {
  d <- data.frame(eggs = rpois(N, lambda = 0.5),
                  mood = factor(sample(c("depr.", "happy", "upset", "tired", "anxious"), size = N, replace = TRUE)))
  fit_poiss_1      <- glm(eggs ~ mood, family = poisson(), data = d)
  c(F =  car::Anova(fit_poiss_1, test = "F")["mood", "Pr(>F)"],
    LR = car::Anova(fit_poiss_1, test = "LR")["mood", "Pr(>Chisq)"])
rbind(mean(pv["F", ] <= 0.05),
      mean(pv["LR", ] <= 0.05))

Note: the F-test performs very badly here, but the LRT is better.

Anova by LRT r .emo("practice")

anova(update(fit_poiss, . ~ 1), fit_poiss, test = "LRT")
car::Anova(fit_poiss, test = "LR")
LR <- -2 * (logLik(update(fit_poiss, . ~ 1)) - logLik(fit_poiss))
pvalue <- pchisq(LR, df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
cbind(LR, pvalue)  ## the same

Anova: LRT by parametric bootstrap r .emo("practice")

You can compare model fits this way using {spaMM}:

fit_poiss_spaMM0 <- update(fit_poiss_spaMM_ML, . ~ 1)
res <- anova(fit_poiss_spaMM_ML, fit_poiss_spaMM0, boot.repl = 1000)

Anova: LRT by parametric bootstrap r .emo("practice")

You can also compare model fits this way using {pbkrtest} for stats::glm() fits:

fit_poiss_0 <- update(fit_poiss, . ~ 1)
res <- pbkrtest::PBmodcomp(fit_poiss, fit_poiss_0, nsim = 1000, seed = 123)

Anova: LRT by parametric bootstrap r .emo("nerd")

Let us compare the 2 versions of the LRT using parametric bootstrap r .emo("slow") r .emo("slow") r .emo("slow")

N <- 20
pv_boot <- replicate(1000, {
  d <- data.frame(eggs = rpois(N, lambda = 0.5),
                  mood = factor(sample(c("depr.", "happy", "upset", "tired", "anxious"), size = N, replace = TRUE)))
  fit_poiss_1      <- fitme(eggs ~ mood, family = poisson(), data = d)
  fit_poiss_1_null <- fitme(eggs ~ 1, family = poisson(), data = d)
  boot <- anova(fit_poiss_1, fit_poiss_1_null, boot.repl = 200)
  c(raw = boot$rawBootLRT$p_value,
    Bart = boot$BartBootLRT$p_value)
rbind(mean(pv_boot["Bart", ] <= 0.05), mean(pv_boot["raw", ] <= 0.05))

Note: applying the Bartlett correction is not as accurate (but it should become best if boot.repl is small).

Comparing the four possible test r .emo("info")

Let us compare the performances of all 4 tests (a perfect test would follow the dashed red line)

par(las = 1)
plot(ecdf(pv["F", ]), col = "blue", cex = 0.5, main = "")
plot(ecdf(pv["LR", ]), col = "green", add = TRUE, cex = 0.5)
plot(ecdf(pv_boot["Bart", ]), col = "orange", add = TRUE, cex = 0.5)
plot(ecdf(pv_boot["raw", ]), col = "red", add = TRUE, cex = 0.5)
legend("topleft", fill = c("blue", "green", "orange", "red"), legend = c("F", "LR", "Param boot Bartlett", "Param boot raw"), bty = "n")
abline(0, 1, col = "black", lty = 2, lwd = 2)

Comparing the four possible test r .emo("info")

Let us compare the performances of all 4 tests (a perfect test would follow the dashed red line)

par(las = 1)
plot(ecdf(pv["F", ]), xlim = c(0, 0.1), ylim = c(0, 0.1), col = "blue", cex = 0.5, main = "", xaxt = "n")
plot(ecdf(pv["LR", ]), col = "green", add = TRUE, cex = 0.5, xaxt = "n")
plot(ecdf(pv_boot["Bart", ]), col = "orange", add = TRUE, cex = 0.5, xaxt = "n")
plot(ecdf(pv_boot["raw", ]), col = "red", add = TRUE, cex = 0.5, xaxt = "n")
axis(1, at = seq(0, 0.1, 0.025))
abline(v = 0.05, lty = 3, lwd = 0.75)
legend("topleft", fill = c("blue", "green", "orange", "red"), legend = c("F", "LR", "Param boot Bartlett", "Param boot raw"), bty = "n")
abline(0, 1, col = "black", lty = 2, lwd = 2)

Note: here the F-test and asymptotic LRT are anticonservative r .emo("warn")

Confidence intervals of parameter estimates

Which methods for computing CIs? r .emo("practice")

For the Gaussian family, do as in LM! (Use the quantiles from the Student's distribution or confint()).

For families with non-estimated variances (e.g. binomial, poisson...), CI based on the Gaussian or the Student's t distributions do not work well and instead you should build CI by likelihood profiling or parametric bootstrap.

If {MASS} is installed, calling confint() on a model fitted with stats::glm() directly does build CI by likelihood profiling:


Which methods for computing CIs? r .emo("practice")

For the Gaussian family, do as in LM! (Use the quantiles from the Student's distribution or confint()).

For families with non-estimated variances (e.g. binomial, poisson...), CI based on the Gaussian or the Student's t distributions do not work well and instead you should build CI by likelihood profiling or parametric bootstrap.

For model fitted with spaMM::fitme(), calling confint() also performs likelihood profiling:

confint(fit_poiss_spaMM_ML, parm = "(Intercept)")
confint(fit_poiss_spaMM_ML, parm = "humans_eaten")

Which methods for computing CIs? r .emo("practice")

For the Gaussian family, do as in LM! (Use the quantiles from the Student's distribution or confint()).

For families with non-estimated variances (e.g. binomial, poisson...), CI based on the Gaussian or the Student's t distributions do not work well and instead you should build CI by likelihood profiling or parametric bootstrap.

For model fitted with spaMM::fitme(), calling confint() can also be used to compute CI using parametric bootstrap if the argument boot_args is correctly set:

res_boot <- confint(fit_poiss_spaMM_ML, parm = "humans_eaten", boot_args = list(nsim = 1000))

Which methods for computing CIs? r .emo("practice")

res_boot$normal  ## do not use the other types here!

Which methods for computing CIs? r .emo("practice")

Which method is best depends on the particular circumstances, but you can (as always) test for yourself using simulations r .emo("slow") r .emo("slow") r .emo("slow")

N <- 20
coverage_small_list <- replicate(1000, {
  d <- simulate_Aliens_GLM(N = N)
  fit_poiss_spaMM_ML <- fitme(eggs  ~ humans_eaten, family = poisson(),  data = d)
  ref <- attr(d, "param.eta")$eggs["slope"] ## 0.1
  prof <- confint(fit_poiss_spaMM_ML, parm = "humans_eaten")
  boot <- confint(fit_poiss_spaMM_ML, parm = "humans_eaten", boot_args = list(nsim = 200))
  c(prof = sum(findInterval(ref, prof$interval)) == 1,
    boot_norm = sum(findInterval(ref, boot$normal[2:3])) == 1)
}, simplify = FALSE)
apply(("rbind", coverage_small_list)), 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)

Note: here the construction of CI by likelihood profiling behaves best.

Intervals for the predicted mean response

CI using Gaussian approximation r .emo("practice")

There is no longer a direct method offered by predict() for models fitted with stats::glm():

newdata <- data.frame(humans_eaten = 0:1)
pred <- predict(fit_poiss, newdata = newdata, = TRUE)
lwr_eta <- pred$fit + qnorm(0.025) * pred$
upr_eta <- pred$fit + qnorm(0.975) * pred$
cbind(pred = family(fit_poiss)$linkinv(pred$fit),
      lwr = family(fit_poiss)$linkinv(lwr_eta),
      upr = family(fit_poiss)$linkinv(upr_eta))


CI using Gaussian approximation r .emo("practice")

CIs are assumed symmetrical (i.e. Gaussian) on the linear predictor scale but not on the response scale.

newdata <- data.frame(humans_eaten = 0:1)
pred_wrong <- predict(fit_poiss, newdata = newdata, = TRUE, type = "response")
lwr_eta <- pred_wrong$fit + qnorm(0.025) * pred_wrong$ ## Wrong: for example purposes only
upr_eta <- pred_wrong$fit + qnorm(0.975) * pred_wrong$ ## Wrong: for example purposes only
cbind(pred = pred_wrong$fit,
      lwr = lwr_eta,
      upr = upr_eta)

CI using Gaussian approximation r .emo("practice")

CIs are assumed symmetrical (i.e. Gaussian) on the linear predictor scale but not on the response scale.

newdata <- data.frame(humans_eaten = 0:1)
#Correct method. CIs on linear predictor scale
pred <- predict(fit_poiss, newdata = newdata, = TRUE)
lwr_eta <- pred$fit + qnorm(0.025) * pred$
upr_eta <- pred$fit + qnorm(0.975) * pred$
plot_data <- data.frame(humans_eaten = 0:1,
                        eggs = family(fit_poiss)$linkinv(pred$fit),
                        lwr = family(fit_poiss)$linkinv(lwr_eta),
                        upr = family(fit_poiss)$linkinv(upr_eta),
                        method = "link")
#Wrong method. CIs on response scale
pred_wrong <- predict(fit_poiss, newdata = newdata, = TRUE, type = "response")
lwr_eta <- pred_wrong$fit + qnorm(0.025) * pred_wrong$
upr_eta <- pred_wrong$fit + qnorm(0.975) * pred_wrong$
plot_data <- rbind(plot_data,
                   data.frame(humans_eaten = 0:1,
                              eggs = pred_wrong$fit,
                              lwr = lwr_eta,
                              upr = upr_eta,
                              method = "response"))

ggplot(data = plot_data) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(x = humans_eaten, ymin = lwr, ymax = upr, group = method),
                width = 0.25, position = position_dodge(width = 0.25)) +
  geom_point(aes(x = humans_eaten, y = eggs, group = method, shape = method),
             size = 3, fill = "grey",
             position = position_dodge(width = 0.25)) +
  scale_shape_discrete(labels = c("Linear predictor scale", "Response scale"), name = "") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0, 1)) +

CI using Gaussian approximation r .emo("practice")

It is much easier with {spaMM}:

get_intervals(fit_poiss_spaMM_ML, newdata = newdata, intervals = "fixefVar")
pdep_effects(fit_poiss_spaMM_ML, focal_var = "humans_eaten", focal_values = 0:1)

Note: here the 2 methods are equivalent because only one predictor is considered in the model fit.

Comparing non-nested models

Comparing different links or different families r .emo("info")

If the response variable does not change but models are not nested (e.g. with different family or link function), you can use:

For actual testing, the only method available is the parametric bootstrap!

Note: using the deviance is not recommended because some family return a scaled deviance while other do not r .emo("broken")

mod_poiss   <- glm(happy ~ humans_eaten, family = poisson(link = "log"), data = Aliens) #Wrong family used
mod_logit   <- glm(happy ~ humans_eaten, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = Aliens) #Default link function
mod_probit  <- glm(happy ~ humans_eaten, family = binomial(link = "probit"), data = Aliens) #Alternative link
mod_cauchit <- glm(happy ~ humans_eaten, family = binomial(link = "cauchit"), data = Aliens) #Alternative link
AIC(mod_poiss, mod_logit, mod_probit, mod_cauchit)

Residuals (an interlude before checking assumptions)

plot(model) is useless for GLM r .emo("info")

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

Note: what we would expect to see here is no longer the same as for LM.

Many types of residuals can be computed for GLM r .emo("info")

  residuals(fit_poiss, type = "deviance")[1:2],
  residuals(fit_poiss, type = "pearson")[1:2],
  residuals(fit_poiss, type = "working")[1:2],
  residuals(fit_poiss, type = "response")[1:2])

Note: we can compute even more types of residuals, such as the partial residuals...

Unfortunately, none of these residuals are particularly useful to check the model assumptions!

Computing residuals by simulation r .emo("nerd")

We can deduce useful residuals from the comparison of observations to values expected under the model assumption...

simulated_data <- simulate(fit_poiss, 1000)
simulated_data_cont <- simulated_data + runif(nrow(simulated_data)*ncol(simulated_data), min = -0.5, max = 0.5)
hist(as.numeric(simulated_data_cont[1, ]), main = "distrib of first fitted value", nclass = 30)
abline(v = fit_poiss$y[1] + runif(1, min = -0.5, max = 0.5), col = "red", lwd = 2, lty = 2)

Note: here we compare the first observation (+/- a little noise) to 1000 response values simulated under the model fit.

Computing residuals by simulation r .emo("nerd")

The idea of is to consider as residuals the quantile of each observation in its expected (simulated) distribution:

plot(ecdf_simulated_1 <- ecdf(unlist(simulated_data_cont[1, ])), main = "cdf of first fitted value")
noise <- runif(1, min = -0.5, max = 0.5)
observed_quantile_1_cont <-  ecdf_simulated_1(fit_poiss$y[1] + noise)
segments(x0 = fit_poiss$y[1] + noise, y0 = 0, y1 =  observed_quantile_1_cont, col = "red", lwd = 2)
arrows(x0 = fit_poiss$y[1] + noise, x1 = -1, y0 = observed_quantile_1_cont, col = "red", lwd = 2)

Computing residuals by simulation r .emo("nerd")

We can compute them all at once using the same process:

simulated_residuals <- rep(NA, nrow(fit_poiss$model))
for (i in 1:nrow(fit_poiss$model)) {
  ecdf_fn <- ecdf(unlist(simulated_data_cont[i, ]))
  simulated_residuals[i] <- ecdf_fn(fit_poiss$y[i] + runif(1, min = -0.5, max = 0.5))

Computing residuals by simulation r .emo("nerd")

By construction, these residuals should be uniformly distributed.

wzxhzdk:141 wzxhzdk:142

Computing residuals by simulation r .emo("practice")

All of this can be done easily with the package {DHARMa}:

fit_poiss_simres <- simulateResiduals(fit_poiss)


The main assumptions r .emo("info")

Model structure


Assumptions about the model structure

How to test for linearity? r .emo("info")

It is difficult, but we may try to:

Example of non-linearity r .emo("alien")

Aliens <- data.frame(humans_eaten = runif(100, min = 0, max = 15))
Aliens$eggs <- rpois(n  = 100, lambda = exp(1 + 0.2 * Aliens$humans_eaten - 0.02 *  Aliens$humans_eaten^2))
fit_poiss_bad <- glm(eggs ~ humans_eaten, data = Aliens, family = poisson()) ## mispecified model
(fit_poiss_good <- glm(eggs ~ poly(humans_eaten, 2, raw = TRUE), data = Aliens, family = poisson())) ## good model

Example of non-linearity r .emo("practice")

plot(s_bad <- simulateResiduals(fit_poiss_bad, n = 1000)) ## simulated residuals from the bad fit

Example of non-linearity r .emo("practice")

plot(s_good <- simulateResiduals(fit_poiss_good, n = 1000)) ## simulated residuals from the good fit

Example of non-linearity r .emo("practice")

car::crPlots(fit_poiss_bad, terms = ~ humans_eaten) ## partial residuals from the bad fit

Example of non-linearity r .emo("practice")

car::crPlots(fit_poiss_good, terms = ~ poly(humans_eaten, 2, raw = TRUE)) ## partial residuals from the good fit

Example of non-linearity r .emo("practice")

library(mgcv) ## package to fit GAMs
fit_poissGAM <- gam(eggs ~ s(humans_eaten), data = Aliens, family = poisson())
plot(fit_poissGAM, shade = TRUE, residuals = FALSE, shade.col = "red")  ## on the scale of the linear predictor!

Multicollinearity and fixed-values r .emo("recap")

Same as for LM!

Assumptions about the errors

How to test for independence? r .emo("practice")

You can run the Durbin Watson test on the simulated residuals using {DHARMa}:

testTemporalAutocorrelation(s_good, time = fit_poiss_good$fitted.values, plot = FALSE)

How to test for independence? r .emo("practice")

You can run the Durbin Watson test on the simulated residuals using {DHARMa}:

testTemporalAutocorrelation(s_good, time = Aliens$humans_eaten, plot = FALSE)

Note: As for LM it is good practice to test for the lack of serial autocorrelation along all your predictors and not just along the fitted values.

Overdispersion / Underdispersion r .emo("info")

A GLM assumes a particular relationship between mu and var(mu):

p <- seq(0, 1, 0.1)
lambda <- 0:10
theta <- 0:10
v_b <- binomial()$variance(p)
v_p <- poisson()$variance(lambda)
v_G <- Gamma()$variance(theta)
par(mfrow = c(1, 3), las = 2)
plot(v_b ~ p, type = "o"); plot(v_p ~ lambda, type = "o"); plot(v_G ~ theta, type = "o")

Overdispersion / Underdispersion r .emo("info")

Overdispersion = more variance than expected

Usual suspects:

Underdispersion = less variance than expected

Overdispersion / Underdispersion r .emo("alien")

A toy example

popA <- data.frame(humans_eaten = runif(50, min = 0, max = 15))
popA$eggs <- rpois(n = 50, lambda = exp(-1 + 0.05 * popA$humans_eaten))
popA$pop <- "A"
popB <- data.frame(humans_eaten = runif(50, min = 0, max = 15))
popB$eggs <- rpois(n = 50, lambda = exp(-3 + 0.4 * popB$humans_eaten))
popB$pop <- "B"
AliensMix <- rbind(popA, popB)
(fit_poissMix <- glm(eggs ~ humans_eaten, family = poisson(), data = AliensMix))

Overdispersion / Underdispersion r .emo("info")

Two measures are traditionally used to quantify dispersion:

fit_poissMix$deviance / fit_poissMix$df.residual
sum(residuals(fit_poissMix, type = "pearson")^2) / fit_poissMix$df.residual

Overdispersion / Underdispersion r .emo("info")

Asymptotic tests based on these measures do not always behave well r .emo("proof")

wzxhzdk:159 wzxhzdk:160

Note: this is far from the uniform distribution we aim at...

Overdispersion / Underdispersion r .emo("practice")

We can again use {DHARMa} for that:

r <- simulateResiduals(fit_poissMix, n = 1000)
testDispersion(r) # stat = squared pearson residuals compared to that obtained by simulation

Solving dispersion problems

Potential solutions r .emo("practice")

fit_poissMix2 <- glm(eggs ~ pop*humans_eaten, family = poisson(), data = AliensMix)
r2 <- simulateResiduals(fit_poissMix2, n = 1000)
testDispersion(r2, plot = FALSE)  ## you can change options to test for underdispersion

Potential solutions r .emo("info")

Simple modeling of overdispersion

For Poisson

Variance = $k \times \mu$

fit_poissMixQ <- glm(eggs ~ humans_eaten, family = quasipoisson(), data = AliensMix)
car::Anova(fit_poissMixQ, test = "F")  ## 'F' not 'LR' because dispersion is estimated!

Simple modeling of overdispersion r .emo("practice")

For Poisson

Variance = $k \times \mu$

It kind of works (if the overdispersion is not too strong), but we cannot do everything with these types of fit since they have no likelihood:

confint(fit_poissMixQ) ## works (using deviance)
c(logLik(fit_poissMixQ), AIC(fit_poissMixQ)) ## does not work

Simple modeling of overdispersion r .emo("info")

For binomial


Modelling departure from expected dispersion with other probability distributions r .emo("info")

For count data, you have 3 options:

Note: only the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson can handle underdispersion.

Negative binomial with {spaMM} r .emo("practice")

fit_poissMix_spaMM   <- fitme(eggs ~ humans_eaten, family = poisson(), data = AliensMix)
fit_poissMixNB_spaMM <- fitme(eggs ~ humans_eaten, family = spaMM::negbin(), data = AliensMix) ## namespace needed!
c(AIC(fit_poissMix_spaMM), AIC(fit_poissMixNB_spaMM))

Note: the negative binomial fit is much better than the Poisson one.


Zero-augmentation in brief r .emo("info")

What is it?

It occurs for when there are more zeros than expected under the probability distribution of the data generation process.

Why does it occur?

It can occur when the response results from a 2 (or more) steps process


How to tackle zero-augmentation? r .emo("info")

We have 2 main options for this:

Fit an hurdle model

Fit a zero-inflation model

Note: if you are not sure where the zeros come from, try both!

Generating zero-augmented data r .emo("alien")

AliensZ <- simulate_Aliens_GLM(N = 1000)
AliensZ$eggs <- AliensZ$eggs * AliensZ$happy ## unhappy Aliens loose their eggs :-(

Poisson fit of zero-augmented data r .emo("practice")

fit_Zpoiss <- glm(eggs ~ humans_eaten, data = AliensZ, family = poisson())
r <- simulateResiduals(fit_Zpoiss, n = 1000)
testZeroInflation(r, plot = FALSE)

Note: we reject the null hypothesis which is that the observed number of zeros is compatible with the one expected if those data would have be produced by a Poisson model.

mean(sum(AliensZ$eggs == 0) / sum(dpois(0, fitted(fit_Zpoiss)))) ## = ratioObsSim

Poisson fit of zero-augmented data r .emo("practice")

testZeroInflation(r, plot = TRUE) ## plot the number of 0s simulated under the model and observed

Hurdle fit of zero-augmented data r .emo("practice")

You can fit hurdle models with glmmTMB::glmmTMB():

fit_Zhurd1 <- glmmTMB(eggs ~ humans_eaten, ziformula = ~humans_eaten,
                      family = truncated_poisson(link = "log"), data = AliensZ)
fit_Zhurd2 <- glmmTMB(eggs ~ humans_eaten, ziformula = ~1,
                      family = truncated_poisson(link = "log"), data = AliensZ)
lmtest::lrtest(fit_Zhurd1, fit_Zhurd2)


Zero-inflation fit of zero-augmented data r .emo("practice")

You can also fit zero-inflation models with glmmTMB::glmmTMB():

fit_Zzi1 <- glmmTMB(eggs ~ humans_eaten, ziformula = ~humans_eaten,
                    family = poisson(link = "log"), data = AliensZ)
fit_Zzi2 <- glmmTMB(eggs ~ humans_eaten, ziformula = ~1,
                    family = poisson(link = "log"), data = AliensZ)
lmtest::lrtest(fit_Zzi1, fit_Zzi2)

Note: here we tested whether humans_eaten influenced the production of some of the 0s (since they come both from the binary process and the Poisson process).

Comparison of alternative fits r .emo("practice")

AIC(fit_Zpoiss, fit_Zhurd1, fit_Zzi1)

Let's also compare the model parameter estimates:

tab <- rbind(Poisson = c(fit_Zpoiss$coefficients, NA, NA),
             Hurdle = unlist(fixef(fit_Zhurd1)), ## NOTE: the binary part predicts the number of zeros
             ZeroInfl = unlist(fixef(fit_Zzi1)), 
             Truth = c(attr(AliensZ, "param.eta")$eggs, -1 * attr(AliensZ, "param.eta")$happy))
colnames(tab) <- c("Int.count", "Slope.count", "Int.zeros", "Slope.zeros")

Note: parameter estimates confirm that both the hurdle and the zero-inflation fits are (here) accurate.

One last trap: separation

The problem of separation in Binomial r .emo("info")

What is it?

Separation occurs when a level (or combination of levels) for categorical predictor, or a particular threshold along a continuous predictor, predicts the outcomes perfectly.

Complete or quasi separation?

From Wikipedia:

For example, if the predictor X is continuous, and the outcome y = 1 for all observed x > 2. If the outcome values are perfectly determined by the predictor (e.g., y = 0 when x ≤ 2) then the condition "complete separation" is said to occur. If instead there is some overlap (e.g., y = 0 when x < 2, but y has observed values of 0 and 1 when x = 2) then "quasi-complete separation" occurs. A 2 × 2 table with an empty cell is an example of quasi-complete separation.


The problem of separation in Binomial r .emo("proof")

n <- 50
test <- data.frame(happy = rbinom(2*n, prob = c(rep(0, n), rep(0.75, n)), size = 1), 
                   sp = factor(c(rep("sp1", n), rep("sp2", n))))
table(test$happy, test$sp)
fit_separated <- glm(happy ~ sp, data = test, family = binomial())

Note: despite the very clear effect, the test does not detect it.

The problem of separation in Binomial r .emo("practice")

Detection for stats::glm() fits

library(safeBinaryRegression)  ## overload the glm function
fit_separated <- glm(happy ~ sp, data = test, family = binomial()) ## don't mind warnings here
detach(package:safeBinaryRegression) ## stop masking original glm()

The problem of separation in Binomial r .emo("practice")

Detection for spaMM::fitme() fits

fit_separated_spaMM <- fitme(happy ~ sp, data = test, family = binomial())

Note: you may need to install an additional package, but {spaMM} will inform you about it.

The problem of separation in Binomial r .emo("practice")

Let's tweak the data in a conservative way

test$happy[1] <- 1
table(test$happy, test$sp)
fit_separated2 <- glm(happy ~ sp, data = test, family = binomial())

Note: this little tweak of the data is sufficient to recover significance.

The problem of separation in Binomial r .emo("practice")

A better solution for the binary case (as well as for binomial in general) is to use a specific fitting method:

test$happy[1] <- 0  ## restore the original data
fit_separated3 <- glm(happy ~ sp, data = test, family = binomial(), method = "brglmFit")

What you need to remember r .emo("goal")

Table of contents

The Generalized Linear Model: GLM

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