knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE, cache.path = "./cache_knitr/LM_assumptions/",
                      fig.path = "./fig_knitr/LM_assumptions/", fig.align = "center", fig.width = 4, fig.asp = 1)
options(width = 200)

The Linear Model: LM

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You will learn in this session r .emo("goal")


The main assumptions r .emo("info")

Model structure


Assumptions about the model structure


Linearity in brief r .emo("info")


The mean of the response variable must be a linear combination of the parameters and the predictor variables, with no systematic dependence on any omitted terms.

Causes and consequences of violation

Departure from linearity can originate from a multitude of reasons and can create all kinds of problems.



Quiz r .emo("practice")

Can you express the following models as LM?

Lineweaver Burk method for Michaelis-Menten r .emo("nerd")

But using this method is not advised as results can be unreliable...

A simple example of non-linearity r .emo("info")

Alien0 <- data.frame(humans_eaten = sample(1:100)) 
Alien0$size <- 10 + 50 * Alien0$humans_eaten - 0.02 * (Alien0$humans_eaten^2) + rnorm(100, sd = 5)
mod0a <- lm(size ~ humans_eaten, data = Alien0)

A simple example of non-linearity r .emo("info")

plot(size ~ humans_eaten, data = Alien0, pch = 3, col = "red")
abline(mod0a, col = "blue", lwd = 2)

A simple example of non-linearity r .emo("practice")

Detection: plot the residuals against each quantitative variable

plot(residuals(mod0a) ~ model.matrix(mod0a)[, "humans_eaten"])
abline(h = 0, col = "red", lty = 2)

A simple example of non-linearity r .emo("info")

mod0b <- lm(size ~ poly(humans_eaten, 2, raw = TRUE), data = Alien0)

Note: now that the model formula is correct we find estimates that are sensible.

Another example of non-linearity r .emo("info")

poison$treat <- factor(poison$Treatment)
poison$poison <- factor(poison$Poison)
fit_poison <- lm(Time ~ poison + treat, data = poison)
plot(residuals(fit_poison) ~ fitted(fit_poison), xlab = "fitted values", ylab = "residuals")
abline(h = 0, col = "red", lty = 2)

Note: plotting the residuals against the fitted values is a also a good way to find out about the issue.

The Box-Cox transformation (Box & Cox 1964) r .emo("info")

The Box-Cox transformation (Box & Cox 1964) r .emo("info")

it encompasses several classic transformations:

it can be used irrespective of what your predictors are

E.g. here no quantitative predictors.

but it changes intercept and rescale the $\beta$

The Box-Cox transformation (Box & Cox 1964) r .emo("practice")

car::boxCox(fit_poison)  ## makes profile of logLik as a function of lambda

The Box-Cox transformation (Box & Cox 1964) r .emo("practice")

summary(bc <- car::powerTransform(fit_poison))
car::testTransform(bc, lambda = -1) ## specifically compare estimated lambda to -1 (inverse transformation)

Note: we will consider -1 instead of r round(bc$lambda[[1]], 2) as it is close enough and easier to interpret!

Poison example linearised r .emo("practice")

fit_poison_bc <- update(fit_poison, car::bcPower(Time, lambda = -1) ~ .)
plot(residuals(fit_poison_bc) ~ fitted(fit_poison_bc), xlab = "fitted values", ylab = "residuals")
abline(h = 0, col = "red", lty = 2)

Note: that looks better r .emo("party")

Poison example linearised r .emo("practice")


data.for.pred <- expand.grid(treat = levels(poison$treat), poison = levels(poison$poison))
(pred <- cbind(data.for.pred, predict(fit_poison_bc, newdata = data.for.pred, interval = "confidence")))

These predicted mean response values are expressed in the Box-Cox scale. In this case, it represents the survival rate (see next slide), but you can always get back to the original scale if you need to:

lambda <- -1; (pred$fit * lambda + 1)^(1/lambda)

Poison example linearised r .emo("info")

Relationship between the Box-Cox with $\lambda = -1$ and survival (in discrete time):

With $t$ the time to death and $s$ the survival rate, we have:

$$ \begin{array} \texttt{new.y} & = & \frac{t^{-1} - 1}{-1}\ & = & 1- t^{-1}\ & = & 1- \frac{1}{t}\ & = & s \end{array} $$ Proof r .emo("proof"): if the probability of survival is 0.75, how long do individuals live?

$$t = \frac{1}{1-s} = \frac{1}{1 - 0.75} = \frac{1}{0.25} = 4$$ Or by simulation:

mean(replicate(10000, which(rbinom(n = 100, size = 1, prob = 0.25) == 1)[1]))

Comparison of model fits r .emo("info")

summary(fit_poison) ## original (mispecified) model

Comparison of model fits r .emo("info")

summary(fit_poison_bc) ## BoxCoxed model

Limits of the Box-Cox transformation r .emo("info")

Lack of perfect multicollinearity

Lack of perfect multicollinearity in brief r .emo("info")


The design matrix must have full rank. That means that the number of parameters to be estimated must be equal to the number of independent columns (i.e. rank) of the design matrix.

Causes and consequences of violation

Caused by having less data than parameters or by linear dependence between the column vectors of the design matrix. In such case, some parameters cannot be computed.



Degenerated design matrix: n < p r .emo("info")

n <- 3
Alien <- data.frame(humans_eaten = 1:n,
                    flowers_eaten = round(runif(n, min = 1, max = 15)),
                    cactus_eaten =  round(runif(n, min = 1, max = 10)))

Alien$size <- rnorm(n = nrow(Alien),
  mean = 50 + 0.2 * Alien$humans_eaten + 0.9 * Alien$flowers_eaten + 0.1 * Alien$cactus_eaten,
  sd = sqrt(25))

fit_alien1a <- lm(size ~  cactus_eaten + humans_eaten + flowers_eaten, data = Alien)
fit_alien1b <- lm(size ~  humans_eaten + flowers_eaten + cactus_eaten, data = Alien)

Degenerated design matrix: trivial redundancy r .emo("practice")

Alien2 <- simulate_Aliens()
Alien2$half_humans_eaten <-  0.5 * Alien2$humans_eaten
fit_alien2 <- lm(size ~ humans_eaten + half_humans_eaten, data = Alien2)
det(crossprod(model.matrix(fit_alien2)))  ## when det(XTX) <= 0, XTX has no inverse!
fit_alien2$rank  == ncol(model.matrix(fit_alien2))

Degenerated design matrix: miscellaneous r .emo("practice")

Alien3 <- data.frame(humans_eaten = 1:12,
                     flowers_eaten = round(runif(12, min = 1, max = 15)),
                     cactus_eaten = 0)
Alien3$food_units <- 1.2*Alien3$humans_eaten + 0.6*Alien3$flowers_eaten
Alien3$size <- rnorm(n = 12, mean = 50 + 1*Alien3$food_units, sd = sqrt(25))
fit_alien3 <- lm(size ~ food_units + humans_eaten + flowers_eaten + cactus_eaten, data = Alien3)
caret::findLinearCombos(model.matrix(fit_alien3))  ## Tip: help to see what creates the issue

Non-perfect multicollinearity r .emo("info")

Sometimes assumptions are met, but problems can still occur

summary(fit_US  <- lm(Rape ~ Assault + Murder, data = USArrests))$coef
summary(fit_US2 <- lm(Rape ~ Murder, data = USArrests))$coef

Note: it is a problem to infer causal inference, but not so much for predictions

Non-perfect multicollinearity: why? r .emo("info")

Because of strong correlation(s) between the regressors:


Non-perfect multicollinearity: diagnostic r .emo("practice")

cor(model.matrix(fit_US))  ## direct measure of correlation in the design matrix
cov2cor(vcov(fit_US))  ## direct measure of correlation between parameter estimates

Note: in more complex models, the numbers do not necessarily match, so it is good practice to check both matrices.

Non-perfect multicollinearity: diagnostic r .emo("practice")

Often diagnosed using the Variance Inflation Factor

R2 <- summary(lm(Assault ~ Murder, data = USArrests))$r.squared  ## works too if more variables
1/(1 - R2)


Non-perfect multicollinearity: solutions r .emo("practice")

pca <- prcomp(~ Assault + Murder, data = USArrests, scale. = TRUE)
USArrests$PC1 <- pca$x[, 1]
summary(fit_US3 <- lm(Rape ~ PC1, data = USArrests))

Predictor variables have fixed values

Predictor variables have fixed values (in brief) r .emo("info")


The dependent variable are represented by fixed values.

Causes and consequences of violation

The presence of measurement errors is the main cause of violation. Violation can trigger both estimates and tests to be biased.



Example r .emo("info")

Alien4 <- simulate_Aliens(100)
summary(lm(size ~ humans_eaten, data = Alien4))$coef
Alien4$humans_eaten_err <- Alien4$humans_eaten + rnorm(nrow(Alien4), sd = 10)
summary(lm(size ~ humans_eaten_err, data = Alien4))$coef

Accounting for errors-in-variables using sem r .emo("practice")

Structural equation modelling

Alien5 <- Alien4
Alien5$human_eaten <- NULL ## we remove the original variable
eqns <- sem::specifyEquations(text = "
                        size = alpha*Intercept + slope*humans_eaten
                        humans_eaten = 1*humans_eaten_err
                        V(size) = sigma
                        V(humans_eaten) = 1
                        V(humans_eaten_err) = 1
fit_sem <- sem::sem(eqns, data = Alien5, raw = TRUE, fixed.x = "Intercept")
summary(fit_sem, = FALSE)$coef  ## use = FALSE otherwise considers variance known

Note: other solutions are possible using mixed models.

Assumptions about the errors


Independence in brief r .emo("info")


The errors (not the residuals) are uncorrelated: $\text{cov}(\epsilon_i, \epsilon_j) = 0$, with $i \neq j$.

Causes and consequences of violation

A lack of independence (serial autocorrelation) in the errors can appear if there is a departure from linearity, if data have been sampled non-randomly (e.g. spatial or temporal series), or if there is an overarching structure (e.g. repeated measures within individuals, families, species, ...). The lack of independence increases the risk of false positive (sometimes a lot).



Testing for independence r .emo("practice")

We can use the Durbin-Watson test: D-W [0; 4]

car::durbinWatsonTest(modConv <- lm(fconvict ~ tfr + partic + degrees + mconvict, data = Hartnagel), max.lag = 3)

Testing for independence r .emo("practice")

We can also compute the partial autocorrelations for the residuals series,


Note: mind that the CI plotted here is very approximative.

Testing for independence induced by a specific variable r .emo("practice")

lmtest::dwtest(modConv, = modConv$model$degrees)

Note: as for investigating linearity it is good here to try to order by:

Testing for independence by eye r .emo("practice")

It is difficult when the problem is not extreme

plot(residuals(modConv) ~ fitted(modConv))
abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "red")

Testing for independence by eye r .emo("practice")

The origin of the problem here is the time!

plot(residuals(modConv) ~ Hartnagel$year, type = "o")
abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "red")

Constant variance (homoscedasticity)

Homos(c/k)edasticity in brief r .emo("info")


The variance of the error (not residuals) is constant: $\text{var}(\epsilon_j) = \sigma^2$ for all $j$. With matrix notation: if $\epsilon^\text{T}$ is the vector of all $\epsilon_j$, then we assume $\text{cov}(\epsilon, \epsilon) = \sigma^2I_n$, where $I_n$ is the $n \times n$ identity matrix.

Causes and consequences of violation

Heteros(c/k)edasticity can emerge when there is a mean - variance relationship, when there is non independence between observations, when reaction norm changes acording to the treatement. It can create both false positives and false negative.



Example of heteroscedasticity r .emo("practice")

Alien5 <- simulate_Aliens(N = 100)
Alien5$eggs <- rpois(100, lambda = 2 + 1 * Alien5$humans_eaten) ## data generation is NOT gaussian!
fit_alien5 <- lm(eggs ~ humans_eaten, data = Alien5)


Testing for heteroscedasticity by eye r .emo("practice")

Residuals must be standardized as raw residuals always have some (minor) heteroscedasticity.

plot(abs(rstandard(fit_alien5)) ~ fitted(fit_alien5))

Note: here again it is good to plot against all quantitative predictors, fitted values, and as the data come.

Post-hoc correction (not optimal) r .emo("nerd")

car::hccm(fit_alien5)  ## correct the covariance matrix of parameter estimates
estimates <- coef(fit_alien5)
std.errors <- sqrt(diag(car::hccm(fit_alien5)))
t.values <- estimates/std.errors
p.values <- 2*pt(abs(t.values), df = fit_alien5$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE)
cbind(estimates, std.errors, t.values, p.values)

Post-hoc correction (not optimal) r .emo("nerd")

Same using Anova:

car::Anova(fit_alien5, white.adjust = TRUE)  ## vcov = hccm
35.2490945224257^2  ## t^2 from previous slide


Normality in brief r .emo("info")


The errors (not the residuals) should be normally distributed.

Causes and consequences of violation

The distribution of residuals can be skewed, this is often caused by the presence of outliers, and/or when the process generating the data is very different from normal (e.g. Poisson, Binomial...).



Testing normality r .emo("practice")

There are many tests for normality out there...

Example: the Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test for normality, Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test...

nortest::lillie.test(residuals(fit_poison))   ## stat = 0 when normal
shapiro.test(residuals(fit_poison))  ## stat = 1 when normal

Testing normality by eye r .emo("practice")

wzxhzdk:34 wzxhzdk:35

Testing all assumptions on the errors at once r .emo("party")

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


Outliers in brief r .emo("info")

What are they?

They are observations that seem not to belong to the others.

Why do they matter?

A few very deviant points can strongly influence all your estimations.

What should you do with them?

It depends... but never trash them blindly.

r .emo("warn") If you have very good reasons to take them out, do mention it in the paper!

Example of outlier r .emo("practice")

wzxhzdk:37 wzxhzdk:38

Note: to identify a given point on the plot, call with(Davis, identify(height, weight, row.names(Davis))), then click close to the point and press escape.

There are many ways to identify an outlier r .emo("info")

influence.measures(fit_davis)  ## In the next slides we will see all that in details!

Leverage vs Influence r .emo("info")

A regression outlier is an observation that has an unusual value of the dependent variable Y, conditional on X.

Regression outliers may not look like an outlier on any Y or X variables.


The leverage quantifies how unusual one row of the design matrix is.

A high leverage is not necessarily a bad thing.


An observation is influential if it strongly influences the predicted values.

A high influence is not necessarily a bad thing.

We do not want high influence caused by high leverage!

Conclusion: we need to look at both!

Measuring the leverage r .emo("practice")

This is done by extracting the diagonal element of the hat matrix: the hat values.

Recall: $\widehat{Y} = HY$

head(sort(hatvalues(fit_davis), decreasing = TRUE))

Note r .emo("nerd"): for some computations and plots the leverage are rescaled as $\frac{h_{i,i}}{1-h_{i,i}}$, but it does not change the reasoning.

Measuring the leverage r .emo("practice")

plot(fit_davis, which = 5)

Measuring the influence on predictions r .emo("practice")

head(sort(dffits(fit_davis), decreasing = TRUE))
head(sort(cooks.distance(fit_davis), decreasing = TRUE))


Measuring the influence on predictions r .emo("nerd")

plot(dffits(fit_davis2), cooks.distance(fit_davis2), xlab = "DFFITS", ylab = "Cook's distance")

Measuring the influence on predictions r .emo("practice")

par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
plot(fit_davis, which = 4:6)

... another example r .emo("practice")

fit_UK <- lm(height ~ sex * milk, data = UK[1:20, ])
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
plot(fit_UK, which = 4:6)

... another example bis r .emo("practice")

fit_UK2 <- lm(height ~ sex * milk, data = UK)
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
plot(fit_UK2, which = 4:6)

Measuring the influence on each estimate r .emo("practice")

head(dfbeta(fit_davis), n = 3)
coef(fit_davis) - coef(update(fit_davis, data = Davis[-1, ]))
head(dfbetas(fit_davis), n = 3) ## same in SE units of the coef

Measuring the influence on the covariance matrix r .emo("practice")

head(sort(covratio(fit_davis), decreasing = TRUE))
det(vcov(update(fit_davis, data = Davis[-19, ]))) / det(vcov(fit_davis))

Exploring in depth outliers: all at once r .emo("practice")

Note: stars flag candidate outliers, but do check them carefully since it may almost always flag observations even if they are not problematic for your analysis..

influence.measures(fit_davis)  ## stars are just there to attract your attention, there is no proper tests!

Exploring in depth outliers: all at once r .emo("practice")

Tip: if your dataset is large, you can select the rows flagged with the stars as follows:

influence_results <- influence.measures(fit_davis)
influence_results$infmat[rowSums(influence_results$is.inf) > 0, , drop = FALSE]

Note: drop = FALSE will avoid the output to be automatically turned into a vector if there is only one flagged outlier. Such a vector would have lost the name of the row and with it the identity of the outlier.

What you need to remember r .emo("goal")

Table of contents

The Linear Model: LM

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