
# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
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#' Wrapper for the Windows DPAPI function CryptProtectData()
#' This function is intended to be an internal helper file for the package.
#' Both parameters are currently necessary, and bust be between 1 and 256 bytes
#' in length. The salt should be generated using PKI::PKI.random(), or some
#' other cryptographically stron random number generator.
#' @param pwd The raw representation of the string top be encrypted
#' @param salt A vector of randomly generated bytes
#' @export
CryptProtectData <- function(pwd, salt) {
    .Call('_winlockr_CryptProtectData', PACKAGE = 'winlockr', pwd, salt)

#' A wrapper for the Windows DPAPI function CryptUnprotectData()
#' This function is intended to be an internal helper file for the package.
#' Both parameters are currently necessary, and bust be between 1 and 256 bytes
#' in length. The salt should be the one used to encrypt pwd in the first place
#' @param pwd The raw bytes of the encrypted password
#' @param salt The raw bytes of the salt used when the password was encrypted
#' @export
CryptUnprotectData <- function(pwd, salt) {
    .Call('_winlockr_CryptUnprotectData', PACKAGE = 'winlockr', pwd, salt)
cpbonnell/winlockr documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:47 p.m.