fit_meta_d_MLE: Fit Type 2 SDT using Maximum Likelihood Estimation.

View source: R/sdt_functions.R

fit_meta_d_MLER Documentation

Fit Type 2 SDT using Maximum Likelihood Estimation.


Provides a type-2 SDT analysis of data from a typical experiment in which observers discriminate between two response alternatives and provide ratings of confidence in their judgements.


fit_meta_d_MLE(nr_s1, nr_s2, s = 1, add_constant = TRUE)



Responses to S1 stimulus. See below for advice.


Responses to S2 stimulus. See below for advice.


Ratio of standard deviations for the S1 and S2 stimulus. Defaults to 1.


Adds a small constant to the data (1/number of possible responses) to account for 0 or 1 values. Defaults to TRUE for ease of use across multiple datasets.


The expected input is two vectors, one for responses to each stimulus, encoding the observers response and confidence. For example, for two stimului labelled A and B, with three confidence ratings, participants could respond to stimulus A as follows:

Response: A, rating: 3, count: 60

Response: A, rating: 2, count: 30

Response: A, rating: 1, count: 10

Response: B, rating: 1, count: 7

Response: B, rating: 2, count: 4

Response: B, rating: 3, count: 1

The appropriate vector would be nr_s1 <- c(60,30,10,7,4,1)

For stimulus B, we would have the respective vector for responses to stimulus B, eg:

Response: A, rating: 3, count: 4

Response: A, rating: 2, count: 6

Response: A, rating: 1, count: 11

Response: B, rating: 1, count: 13

Response: B, rating: 2, count: 23

Response: B, rating: 3, count: 61

nr_s2 <- c(4,6,11,13,23,61)

The helper function sdt_counts can be used to get the data into the right format.

The output is a data frame with various metacognitive measures, including m-ratio and meta-d, estimated using Maximum Likelihood Estimation. The output will have n-1 rows, where n is the number of confidence ratings. Most measures are duplicated across rows, but some vary, as they reflect cutpoints between the confidence levels.

For more details, see Maniscalco & Lau's webpage Please cite that page and their articles if using this command.


Maniscalco & Lau. Ported to R by Matt Craddock,


Maniscalco, B., & Lau, H. (2012). A signal detection theoretic approach for estimating metacognitive sensitivity from confidence ratings. Consciousness and Cognition.


nr_s1 <- c(60,30,10,7,4,1)
nr_s2 <- c(4,6,11,13,23,61)
fit_meta_d_MLE(nr_s1, nr_s2)

craddm/metaSDT documentation built on Feb. 10, 2024, 6:57 a.m.