Man pages for crazycapivara/openlayersr
An R Interface to 'OpenLayers'

add_featuresAdd vector layer to the map
add_geojsonAdd vector layer to the map
add_legendAdd legend to the map
add_tilesAdd tile layers to the map
add_vector_tilesAdd vector tile layer to the map
add_wms_tilesAdd wms tile layer to the map
cartodb_attributionCartodb attribution
controlsAdd controls to the map
get_cartodb_xyz_urlGet cartodb xyz url
guess_vt_formatGuess format of vector tiles
interactionsAdd interactions to the map
layer_optionsLayer options
make_iconMake icon
mapbox_attributionMapbox attribution
olCreate OpenLayers map widget
ol_optionsMap options
ol-shinyShiny bindings for ol
pipePipe operator
read_js_functionRead JavaScript function from a file
set_viewSet the view of the map (geographical center and zoom)
style_methodsCreate styles
crazycapivara/openlayersr documentation built on June 4, 2019, 8:08 p.m.