hierinf (1.4.0)

o The package can now handle colinear variables because p-values which could not be calculated are replaced by one. The testing function returns a warnings in that case.

hierinf (1.2.0)

o New features

o additional option for aggregating p-values of multiple data sets, i.e. argument agg.method has two options "Tippett" (default) and "Stouffer" 's aggregation method.

o the print function (for object of class hierT) formats the p-values smaller then machine precision using format.pval

hierinf (1.0.0)

o New features

o  straightforward parallelization

o additional option for constructing a hierarchical tree based on spatially contiguous genomic positions

o possibility of jointly analyzing multiple data sets

crbasel/hierinf documentation built on April 4, 2020, 1:35 p.m.