Man pages for crbwin/clnR
Clean and report psychological data

alpha.dropProduce Cronbach alpha if dropped output using quosures
alpha.onlyProduces a singular estimate of Cronbach alpha using quosures
alphatizeProduce Cronbach alpha output using quosures
bigO.dropBen Lira's function for assessing and dropping multivariate...
corrtrolPartial correlation table
cv_bakeGenerate a composite variable
factorizePerform factor analysis and get useful output using quosures
HARcorrGenerate a formatted, APA-ready correlation table with...
histomizeProduces formatted histogram
nutshellProduce a short report of descriptives
partRProduce Cronbach alpha output using quosures
STATAtabProduces a table of frequency information for a variable
table.alphaProduce Cronbach alpha output using quosures
table.corrBasic correlation table
table.describeProduces a formatted table of descriptives
table.freqProduce a table of frequencies for a group of variables using...
tabshellProduce a formatted table of proportions of frequency for a...
crbwin/clnR documentation built on Oct. 29, 2020, 1:55 a.m.