To repro:

expect_error(async(await(pr) + 5, split_pipes=FALSE), "split_pipes")
where 17 at /home/peter/projects/nseval/R/dots.R#133: cps_translate(expr, async_endpoints, split_pipes = split_pipes)
where 18: Error: promise already under evaluation: recursive default argument reference or earlier problems?

```{R} st <<- stacktrace() f

  Warning message:
            In deparse(x, backtick = TRUE) : restarting interrupted promise evaluation
9                                 do_(quo(c.dots), d)
10                                            do__(d)
11                                    .Call("_do", d)
12                                           ?FORMAT?
13 cps_translate(expr, async_endpoints, split_pip....

So there's a PROMSXP in the "call" column...?

> mode(st[[12, "call"]])
[1] "call"
> as.list(st[[12, "call"]])

<promise: 0x555df3825f98>

<promise: 0x555df3e8acd8>

<promise: 0x555df3e8aca0>

<promise: 0x555df3e8ac68>

<promise: 0x555df3e8ac30>

So I'm passing promises in the "call" slot and it's failing to render. I mean what else am I supposed to do?

Does .Internal( do anything different?

A better technique might be to create an environment with a temporarily bound ...?

Or there are better ways to call with a dotsxp? what's .Internal(do_dotcall) about! Oh, that's for external functions.

So constructs a pairlist of promises and passes it to eval??? What is my "do" doing differently? Ah. is constructing "forced" promises.

So what does evaluation of ... do? it's handled in "promiseArgs." And I think the problem is in promiseArgs, it is double-wrapping my promises.

Maybe I can temporarily bind ...?

Before doing this, I should first be trying to extract a reprex for this error coming from nseval. Because it is happening in async while async is making a "do", and is triggered by "expect_error"

which would have been

Okay, I think it is happening on account of the error being inside a argument that is being lazily evaluated. And it's happening in the "do" of c.dots, surprisingly enough If I don't use a "do" there it passes... but my "do"

My question now is can I make this happen without the "do".

Options for fixing: * use in the "quote-first-argument" case * update set_arg_ to update ..N * use ... as temp variable when assigning.

If the same issue can be triggered from the main invocation of do_ then the last solution is the one I have.

So I think I'm going to try "do__" works through a temporary binding of .... Only a few failed tests on my first draft.

One thing this interferes with is the ability to call "<-" . I think I have a workaround: make the call using "..N" rather than "..." I will have to make sure the names get passed along.

Now... switching to the ... strategy means that it is trickier to invoke certain "ill behaved" primitives. Like <- or for.

How can I guess that I'm using an ill behaved primitive? Is it a forced promsxp and is the value a primitive? Can I unwrap it to a primitive? Can you unwrap it to a primitive?

 * eval:    = XYZ (three digits) --- where e.g. '1' means '001'
 *      X=1 says that we should force R_Visible off
 *      X=0 says that we should force R_Visible on
 *      X=2 says that we should switch R_Visible on but let the C
 *                  code update this.
 *      Y=1 says that this is an internal function which must
 *          be accessed with a  .Internal(.) call, any other value is
 *          accessible directly and printed in R as ".Primitive(..)".
 *      Z=1 says evaluate arguments before calling (BUILTINSXP) and
 *      Z=0 says don't evaluate (SPECIALSXP).

This gives a clue about SPECIALSXP and BUILTINSXP. SPECIALSXP are the ones that don't evaluate.

This appears to be spelled out in names.c. In R_FunTab I want entries where arity == 1 eval == 0

What does something like

 {"while",  do_while,   0,  100,    2,  {PP_WHILE,   PREC_FN,     0}}

mean? The eval value of 100 means that (PRIMPRINT(x) is 1) meaning we should force R_Visible off...


.ArgsEnv is a special environment that gives the arguments list of all primitive functions.

I now have a list of "ill-behaved" primitive functions. What are the strategies I need to call them?

"all args quoted" = c(`::`, `:::`, expression, `for`, `function`, `missing`, `on.exit`, `quote`, `repeat`)
"first_arg_quoted, second forced and wrapped if necessary"=c(`<-`, `<<-`, `=`)
"maybe either quoted or promsxps" = c(`on.exit`, `quote`, `repeat`)
"does it hurt if I do the promsxp anyway?" = c(`{`, `&&`, `||`, `if`, `on.exit`)
"???"=c("@", "$", "~")

Alternate representation for quotations.

Quotations should be represented as calls to evalq with the literal expression and environment in question.

Meanwhile, a representation for forced quotations might be

This will mean that you can bquote or substitute with a quotation object, and (if the expression evaluates "normally") you should maintain hygiene.

crowding/fexpr documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 6:34 a.m.