switch: Coroutine switch with delimited goto.

gotoR Documentation

Coroutine switch with delimited goto.


The switch function implemented for coroutines in the async package is more strict than the one in base R. In a coroutine, switch will always either take one of the given branches or throw an error, whereas base R switch will silently return NULL if no branch matches switch argument. Otherwise, the same conventions apply as base::switch() (e.g. empty switch branches fall through; a character switch may have one unnamed argument as a default.)


goto(branch = NULL)



A character string naming the new branch. If missing or NULL, jumps back to re-evaluate the switch argument.


Coroutine switch also supports a delimited form of goto. Within a branch, goto("other_branch") will stop executing the present branch and jump to the named branch. Calling goto() without arguments will jump back to re-evaluate the switch expression.

If a goto appears in a try-finally call, as in:

   branch=tryCatch({...; goto("otherBranch")},

the finally clause will be executed before switching to the new branch.

crowding/generators documentation built on June 28, 2023, 6:14 a.m.