Man pages for crsh/papaja
Prepare American Psychological Association Journal Articles with R Markdown

add_col_spannersAdd table headings to group columns
add_effect_sizesEffect Sizes for Analysis of Variance
add_equalsAdd Equals Where Necessary
add_row_namesAdd row names as first column
apa6_pdfAPA manuscript (6th edition)
apa_barplotBar Plots for Factorial Designs that Conform to APA...
apa_beeplotBee-swarm Plots for Factorial Designs that Conform to APA...
apa_dfTypeset Degrees of Freedom
apa_factorial_plotPlots for Factorial Designs that Conform to APA Guidelines
apa_factorial_plot_singlePlots for factorial designs that conform to APA guidelines,...
apa_intervalTypeset Interval Estimate
apa_lineplotLine Plots for Factorial Designs that Conform to APA...
apa_numTypeset Numerical Values for Printing and Reporting
apa_pPrepare Numeric Values for Printing as p value
apa_prepare_docPrepare APA document (deprecated)
apa_printTypeset Statistical Results
apa_print.aovTypeset Statistical Results from Analysis of Variance (or...
apa_print.BFBayesFactorTypeset Bayes Factors
apa_print.emmGridTypeset Statistical Results from Estimated Marginal Means
apa_print.glhtTypeset Statistical Results from General Linear Hypothesis...
apa_print.glmTypeset Statistical Results from GLM
apa_print.htestTypeset Statistical Results from Hypothesis Tests
apa_print.listTypeset Statistical Results from Linear-Model Comparisons
apa_print.lmeTypeset Statistical Results from Nonlinear Hierarchical...
apa_print.merModTypeset Statistical Results from Hierarchical GLM
apa_print.papaja_wsciTypeset Within-Subjects Confidence Intervals
apa_tablePrepare Table for Printing and Reporting
apa_violinplotViolin Plots for Factorial Designs that Conform to APA...
arrange_anovaCreate Variance Table from Various ANOVA objects
arrange_regressionCreate a Regression Table (defunct)
beautifyBeautify a Canonical Table
beautify_termsPrettify Term Names
brightenBrighten up a Color
canonizeTransform to a Canonical Table
cite_rCite R and R Packages
combine_plotmathCombine to Expression
complete_observationsRemove Incomplete Observations from Data Frame
conf_intBetween-Subjects Confidence Intervals
corresponding_author_lineCorresponding-Author Line
default_labelSet Default Variable Labels from Column Names
defaultsSet Defaults
escape_latexEscape Symbols for LaTeX Output
extract_apa_results_tableExtract Parts of an APA Results Table
fast_aggregateAggregate data much faster using dplyr
fetch_web_refsFetch a .bib-reference file from the web (defunct)
fetch_zotero_refsSave a collection from a Zotero-Account to a BibTeX-file...
format_cellsFormat numeric table cells
glue_apa_resultsCreate a New 'apa_results' Object
hd_intHighest-Density Intervals
indent_stubsAdd stub indentation
init_apa_resultsCreate Empty Container for Results
in_parenReplace Parentheses with Brackets
lines.matrixMatrix Method for lines()
localizeLookup Table for Generated Words and Phrases
lookup_tablesLookup Tables for Column Names and Variable Labels
merge_tablesMerge tables in list
package_availablePackage Available
papajaPrepare APA Journal Articles with R Markdown
points.matrixMatrix Method for points()
print_anovaFormat statistics from ANOVA (APA 6th edition)
print_model_compTypeset Statistical Results from Model Comparisons
print_scientificTypeset scientific notation
quote_from_texQuote from TeX document
remove_commentsRemove Comments
render_appendixRender Appendix (defunct)
revision_letter_pdfRevision Letter
r_refsCreate a Reference File for R and R Packages
sanitize_termsSanitize Term Names
seStandard Error of the Mean
selSelect Parameters
simple_codebookSimple Codebook
sort_columnsSort the Columns of an APA Results Table
sort_termsSort ANOVA or Regression Table by Predictors/Effects
strip_math_tagsStrip Math Tags from Variable Labels or Strings
summary.papaja_wsciSummarize Within-Subjects Confidence Intervals
theme_apaAPA-style 'ggplot2' Theme
transmute_df_into_labelTransmute Degrees-of-Freedom Columns into Variable Labels
validateValidate Function Input
word_title_pageCreate title page
wsciWithin-Subjects Confidence Intervals
crsh/papaja documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 2:48 p.m.