apa_print.glht: Typeset Statistical Results from General Linear Hypothesis...

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apa_print.glhtR Documentation

Typeset Statistical Results from General Linear Hypothesis Tests


These methods are not properly tested and should be considered experimental.


## S3 method for class 'glht'
apa_print(x, test = multcomp::adjusted(), ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.glht'
apa_print(x, conf.int = 0.95, in_paren = FALSE, ...)





Function. Computes p-values (adjusted for multiple comparisons).


Further arguments to pass to apa_num to format the estimate.


Numeric. If NULL (default) the function tries to obtain confidence intervals from x. Other confidence intervals can be supplied as a vector of length 2 (lower and upper boundary, respectively) with attribute conf.level, e.g., when calculating bootstrapped confidence intervals.


Logical. Whether the formatted string is to be reported in parentheses. If TRUE, parentheses in the formatted string (e.g., those enclosing degrees of freedom) are replaced with brackets.


apa_print()-methods return a named list of class apa_results containing the following elements:


One or more character strings giving point estimates, confidence intervals, and confidence level. A single string is returned in a vector; multiple strings are returned as a named list. If no estimate is available the element is NULL.


One or more character strings giving the test statistic, parameters (e.g., degrees of freedom), and p-value. A single string is returned in a vector; multiple strings are returned as a named list. If no estimate is available the element is NULL.


One or more character strings comprised 'estimate' and 'statistic'. A single string is returned in a vector; multiple strings are returned as a named list.


A data.frame of class apa_results_table that contains all elements of estimate and statistics. This table can be passed to apa_table() for reporting.

Column names in apa_results_table are standardized following the broom glossary (e.g., term, estimate conf.int, statistic, df, df.residual, p.value). Additionally, each column is labelled (e.g., $\hat{\eta}^2_G$ or $t$) using the tinylabels package and these labels are used as column names when an apa_results_table is passed to apa_table().

See Also

Other apa_print: apa_print(), apa_print.BFBayesFactor(), apa_print.aov(), apa_print.emmGrid(), apa_print.htest(), apa_print.list(), apa_print.lm(), apa_print.lme(), apa_print.merMod()


   # From the multcomp::glht() examples:
   amod <- aov(breaks ~ tension, data = warpbreaks)
   glht_out <- glht(amod, linfct = mcp(tension = "Tukey"))

  # In this example, because degrees of freedom are equal across all rows
  # of the output, it is possible to move that information to the variable
  # labels. This is useful if a compact results table is required:


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