
# #' @title Prints ot results for a particular simulation
# #' 
# #' @description Prints out results for a particular simulation
# #'  (if they exist) saved ina a list.
# #'  
# #' @export
# look_at_simulation <- function(par4sin, par5sin, results_list, file = NULL) {
#   browser()
#   hash <- digest(paste0(par4sin,",", par5sin)) # calculate hash value to find the result
#   results <- results_list[[hash]] # extract results from a list
#   # calculate average from data saved in my.res
#   averages <- apply(X= results$my.res, FUN = function(x) {mean(x)}, MARGIN = 2)
#   # make the averages into a data frame with named rows/columns
#   attach(as.list(averages))
#   averages_dt <- data.frame(
#     rcs = c(brier.rcs.train, brier.rcs, AUCTrainEst.rcs, AUCNewEst.rcs, cal.rcs.1, cal.rcs.2, lrt.p.value.rcs.train, score.p.value.rcs.train),
#     rcs.per = c(brier.rcs.per.train, brier.rcs.per, AUCTrainEst.rcs.per, AUCNewEst.rcs.per, cal.rcs.per.1, cal.rcs.per.2, lrt.p.value.rcs.per.train, score.p.value.rcs.per.train),
#     cs.per = c(brier.cs.per.train, brier.cs.per, AUCTrainEst.cs.per, AUCNewEst.cs.per, cal.cs.per.1, cal.cs.per.2, lrt.p.value.cs.per.train, score.p.value.cs.per.train),
#     row.names = c("Brier - train", "Brier - test", "AUC - train", "AUC - test", "Calibration intercept", "Calibration slope", "LRT P value", "Score P value")
#   ) 
#   # plot sine curve used as the originial probability function
#   curve(sine_function(x, par4sin = results$par4sin, par5sin = results$par5sin), from = 0, to = 1, main = "Probability function used in simulation")
#   # print out the averages
#   print(averages_dt)
#   # print out used parameters of the sine function (TODO: add the rest)
#   print(paste("par4sin = ",results$par4sin,"; par5sin =", results$par5sin))
# }
crtahlin/peRiodic documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:05 p.m.