Man pages for csaybar/pal
A color palette search engine.

dot-pal_color-classAn S4 class to save colors.
dot-pal_global-classAn S4 class to represent the global parameters of pal.
dot-pal_n-classAn S4 class to represent the color complexity.
dot-pal_tags-classAn S4 class to save tags.
grapes-greater-than-grapesAdd components to a pal_search()
mn-class'missing & NULL' superclass
pal-classAn S4 class to represent pal attributes.
pal_cnstrCreate a pal object from a character vector or a list
pal_colorhexpal_colorhex: The color-hex dataset
pal_colors-mFilter considering colors.
pal_cptcitypal_cptcity: The cpt-city dataset
pal_n-mFilter considering color complexity.
pal-packagepal: A color palette search engine.
pal_paletteerpal_paletteer: Comprehensive Collection of R Color Palettes
pal_plot-mDisplay color palettes in a plot
pal_plot-mn-methodDisplay color palettes in a plot
pal_searchCreate a pal object
pal_tags-mFilter considering tags.
csaybar/pal documentation built on May 4, 2019, 6:30 a.m.