

context("sanity checks.")

elephant.path <- str_c(tempdir(), "/elephant1")

test_that("elephants can be created", {
  e <- new.elephant(elephant.path)
  expect_that(e, is_a("elephant"))

test_that("elephants can be loaded", {
  e <- open.elephant(elephant.path)
  expect_that(e, is_a("elephant"))

test_that("elephants can be told and asked things", {
  e <- new.elephant(elephant.path)
  tell.elephant(e, "foo", 3)
  expect_that(ask.elephant(e, "foo"), equals(3))
  tell.elephant(e, "foo", 5)
  expect_that(ask.elephant(e, "foo"), equals(5))
  tell.elephant(e, "foo", NULL)
  expect_that(ask.elephant(e, "foo"), throws_error())

test_that("generic functions work", {
  e <- new.elephant(elephant.path)
  e$foo = 3
  expect_that(e$foo, equals(3))
  e$foo = 5
  expect_that(e$foo, equals(5))
  e$foo = NULL
  expect_that(e$foo, throws_error())
cscheid/elephant documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:06 p.m.