  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"

RStudio addins manager

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RStudio addins let you execute a bit of R code or a Shiny app through the RStudio IDE, either via the Addins dropdown menu or with a keyboard shortcut. This package is an RStudio addin for managing other addins. To run these addins, you need the latest version of RStudio.


The package can be installed via devtools

## Need the latest version of DT as well

You can test the package at the command line with


Running addins

After installing the package, the Addins menu toolbar will be populated with a new addin called Addin Manager. When you lauch this addin, a DT table will be launched:


In the screenshot above, the highlighted addins, shinyjs and ggThemeAssit, indicate that this addins have already installed.

When you click Done


Including your addin

Just fork and alter which is located in the inst/extdata directory. This file is a md file with three columns:

The initial list of addins was obtain from daattali repo.

Current List of Addins

dd = read.csv("inst/extdata/", sep="|", header=TRUE, skip=14)[-1,]
write.csv(dd, file="inst/extdata/raddins.csv", row.names=FALSE)

Other information

csgillespie/addinmanager documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:11 p.m.