
# tag_results = function(results) {
#   if(!requireNamespace("benchmarkme", quietly = TRUE))
#     stop("Install benchmarkme package to use shine.")
#   if(is.null(results)) return(NULL)
#   no_of_reps = nrow(results)/length(unique(results$test))
#   times = tapply(results[,3], results[5], sum)/no_of_reps
#   data.frame(id = -1, data = Sys.Date(),
#              time = as.vector(times),
#              test_group = names(times),
#              cpu = benchmarkme::get_cpu()$model_name,
#              ram = as.numeric(benchmarkme::get_ram()),
#              byte_optimize = benchmarkme::get_byte_compiler(),
#              r_major = R.version$major, r_minor= R.version$minor,
#              sysname = as.vector(Sys.info()["sysname"]),
#              release= as.vector(Sys.info()["release"]),
#              blas_optimize = is_blas_optimize(results),
#              row.names=1:length(times))
# }
# # #' Shiny interface
# # #'
# # #' This function uses the shiny package to explore past benchmarks.
# # #' The interface is launched via \code{shine()}
# # #' If you pass a benchmark, say by running \code{benchmark_std()} your
# # #' particular machine will be highlighted with a red dot.
# # #'
# # #' @param results Benchmark results, probably obtained via the
# # #' \code{benchmarkme} package.
# # #' @examples
# # #' \dontrun{
# # #' shine()
# # #' ## Example results
# # #' data(sample_results, package="benchmarkme")
# # #' shine(sample_results)
# # #' }
# # #' @export
# # shine = function(results = NULL) {
# #   if(!requireNamespace("shiny", quietly = TRUE))
# #     stop("Install shiny package to use shine.")
# #   if(!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE))
# #     stop("Install ggplot2 package to use shine.")
# #   if(!is.null(results))
# #     .bme_env$results = tag_results(results)
# #
# #   appDir = system.file("shinyExamples", "plotting", package = "benchmarkmeData")
# #   if(nchar(appDir) == 0) {
# #     stop("Could not find example directory. Try reinstalling `benchmarkmeData`.", call. = FALSE)
# #   }
# #   shiny::runApp(appDir)
# # }
csgillespie/benchmarkme-data documentation built on April 27, 2020, 5:28 p.m.