Man pages for csgillespie/efficient_pkg
Becoming an Efficient R Programmer

clock_speedCPU clock speeds
dieMIPS per die
ex_matAn example data frame and matrix
ghg_emsWorldwide emissions of greenhouse gases (ghg) by sector,...
land_dfUK land use prices
lnd_geo_dfSimple geographical/population data of boroughs in London...
miniaaDataset from National Provider Indentifier (NPI) dataset.
move_squareMoving square on a Monopoly board
pewpew dataset from the reshape paper dataset in JSS inequality...
simulate_monopolyMonte Carlo Simulation of Monopoly
snakes_laddersSnakes and Ladders
test_rcppRcpp test function
wb_ineqGlobal inequality by, country and year.
csgillespie/efficient_pkg documentation built on Jan. 26, 2020, 4:03 a.m.