Man pages for csqsiew/langnetr
Creates a language network based on similarity

cpdistCompare different distributions for their fits to the data.
fitexFit an exponential distribution to the degree distribution of...
fitlnFit a log normal distribution to the degree distribution of...
fitplFit a power law distribution to the degree distribution of...
fitpoFit a Poisson distribution to the degree distribution of the...
getdegdistFit a power law distribution to the degree distribution of...
getplsdGet uncertainty estimates for power law parameters fitted to...
giantcExtract list of nodes in the giant component of the language...
hermitsExtract list of hermits from an igraph network object.
nodeindexReplaces node IDs with their labels.
testplTest the fit of a power law to the degree distribution of the...
toedgelistConverts an igraph network object to an edgelist with labels.
tolangnetConverts a list of words to an igraph network object.
visualizeVisualize the fits of various distributions to the degree...
csqsiew/langnetr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 10:37 a.m.