
#' Small example of a phonological network as an igraph object
#' @format igraph object representing an unweighted undirected graph with 34
#'   vertices and 96 edges. There are no self-loops.
#' @source Ying, Chan & Vitevitch, Michael. (2009). The Influence of the
#'   Phonological Neighborhood Clustering Coefficient on Spoken Word
#'   Recognition. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and
#'   performance. 35. 1934-49. 10.1037/a0016902.

#' Small example of a phonological network as an adjacency matrix
#' @format Adjacency matrix representing an unweighted undirected graph with
#'   34 vertices and 96 edges. There are no self-loops.
#' @source Ying, Chan & Vitevitch, Michael. (2009). The Influence of the
#'   Phonological Neighborhood Clustering Coefficient on Spoken Word
#'   Recognition. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and
#'   performance. 35. 1934-49. 10.1037/a0016902.
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