bsve is an R package for developers to access the BSVE API


The package requires a recent version of openssl to create the hash key and httr to get data.



You will need to get the API and secret key from the developer site under My Account -> Manage API Credentials and replace them below.

api_key    <- "API key"
secret_key <- "SECRET key"
email      <- "and your@email"

The bsve_sha1 function creates the authentication header using the two keys and a valid email.

token <- bsve_sha1(api_key, secret_key, email)
[1] "apikey=AKcfef08f1-c852-43b9-bce7-8923880e3b68;timestamp=1457989545992;nonce=535514;signature=f6b90ed483b37..."

4.4 Find All DataSources

If you are not familiar with httr, be sure to check the quickstart guide. This code will list all data sources

url <- ""
r <- GET(url, add_headers("harbinger-authentication" = token))
Response []
  Date: 2016-03-16 21:44
  Status: 200
  Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
  Size: 72.1 kB
[1] "success"

Parse the results into a nested list (content uses fromJSON in jsonlite by default).

x <- content(r)

sapply(x, length)
 status message  result 
      1       1      21 
[1] "name"        "description" "fileTypes"   "label"       "shortLabel"  "fields"     
[7] "dataSources" "type"        "attributes" 

Both fields and dataSources are arrays with 0 to many elements, so just grab the first 5 keys and count the number of fields and dataSources below. This requires rbind_all in the dplyr package.

b1 <-rbind_all(lapply( x$result, "[", 1:5 ) )
b1$fields <- sapply( x$result, function(y) length( y$fields) )
b1$dataSources <- sapply( x$result, function(y) length( y$dataSources) )

b1[, c(1:2,6:7)] %>% print(n=30)
                   name                             description fields dataSources
                  (chr)                                   (chr)  (int)       (int)
1                AFCENT                            Clinic Visit     39           3
2      AGG_CASE_LISTING                 Aggregated Case Listing      0           0
3        BLANK_TEMPLATE                          Blank Template      0           0
4        Demo Data Type Testing addition of data to repository.      2           0
5  DORAAirportProximity                Distance from an airport      3           8
6                 EIDSS                         EIDSS Flat File     22           0
7                 EMAIL                              Email Feed     18           1
8          EventTracker                           Event Tracker      0           0
9       HydraSourceType          Test dataSource type for hydra      4           2
10            HydraType          Test dataSource type for hydra      4           1
11       IND_CASE_LINES                   Individual_Case_Lines      0           0
12            Leidos Wx          Weather for use by Leidos apps      2           0
13             LeidosWx          Weather for use by Leidos apps      2           0
14                  NDD                           NDD Flat File     20           0
15                  PON                           PON Flat File     31           1
16                  RSS                                RSS Feed     18          65
17         RSS_FLATFILE                           RSS Flat File      0           0
18                   SD                     Syndromic Flat File     15           0
19                 SODA                          SODA Flat File      0          15
20              TWITTER                       Twitter Flat File      0           1
21            WEBSEARCH                              Web Search      0           0

Also use rbind_all to get the 18 RSS fields in list element 16.


               name    type format      description position
              (chr)   (chr)  (chr)            (chr)    (int)
1            source  String                  source        0
2                id  String                      id        0
3       description  String             description        0
4             title  String                   title        0
5           content  String                 content        0
6           pubDate    Date                 pubDate        0
7              link  String                    link        0
8          filename  String                filename        0
9             cases  String                   cases        0
10           deaths  String                  deaths        0
11 hospitalizations  String        hospitalizations        0
12         latitude   Float                latitude        0
13        longitude   Float               longitude        0
14        simulated Boolean               simulated        0
15             what  String                    what        0
16             when  String                    when        0
17            where  String                   where        0
18              who  String                     who        0

You can list the 65 RSS dataSources below. Contacts and other fields have 0 to many values, so just get the first three.

[1] "name"         "type"         "category"     "description"  "status"       "contacts"    
[7] "schema"       "tags"         "capabilities"

rbind_all( lapply(x$result[[16]]$dataSources, "[",  1:3) )
                                             name  type        category
                                           (chr) (chr)           (chr)
1                             Agriculture Canada   RSS   Expert Domain
2          Agrifeeds Animal Diseases and Control   RSS   Expert Domain
3  AgriFeeds News on Phytosanitary Measures IPPC   RSS   Expert Domain
4  AgriFeeds News on Plant Pathology and Disease   RSS   Expert Domain
5                         Agrifeeds Pest Control   RSS   Expert Domain
6                            AP Top Science News   RSS Non-Domain News
7                                Avian Flu Diary   RSS     Domain News
8                            Buenos Aires Herald   RSS Non-Domain News
9                           CDC MMWR Quick Stats   RSS   Expert Domain
10                              CDC MMWR Reports   RSS   Expert Domain
..                                           ...   ...             ...

4.6 Querying the Datasource API

Use api/data/query/{data} to query RSS or other datasets.

url1 <- ""

r1 <- GET(url1,  add_headers("harbinger-authentication" = token),
  query = list(`$source` = "CDC MMWR Reports",  `$filter`="pubDate ge 2016-02-01") )

x1 <- content(r1)
[1] 0

[1] "In Progress"

[1] "RSS"

[1] "CDC MMWR Reports"

[1] "pubDate ge 2016-02-01"

[1] "135171b2-308b-4ae3-955f-46c6b651611d"

4.7 Getting Datasource Results

You need the requestId above to download the results.

url2 <- ""
r2 <-  GET( paste0(url2, x1$requestId), add_headers("harbinger-authentication" = token))
x2 <- content(r2)

sapply(x2, length)
   status   message    result     count     query requestId 
   1         1         7         1         3         1

 [1] "id"                  "source"              "dataSourceName"      "simulated"          
 [5] "textRelevance"       "pubdate"             "title"               "link"               
 [9] "description"         "content"             "latitude"            "longitude"          
[13] "noofcases"           "noofhospitalization" "noofdeaths"          "who"                
[17] "what"                "when"                "where"               "filename"  

sapply(x2$result,  "[[", "title")
[1] "EARLY RELEASE: Vital Signs: Preventing Antibiotic-Resistant Infections in Hospitals âÂ\u0080Â\u0094 United States, 2014"                                         
[2] "SUPPLEMENTS: Development of the Community Health Improvement Navigator Database of Interventions"                                                                 
[3] "Transmission of Zika Virus Through Sexual Contact with Travelers to Areas of Ongoing Transmission âÂ\u0080Â\u0094 Continental United States, 2016"               
[4] "EARLY RELEASE: Transmission of Zika Virus Through Sexual Contact with Travelers to Areas of Ongoing Transmission âÂ\u0080Â\u0094 Continental United States, 2016"

Note, I'm not sure how to fix the encoding in title names above. You can check using stringi, but adding an encoding option does not help.

stringi::stri_enc_detect(content(r2, "raw"))
[1] "UTF-8"        "windows-1252" "windows-1250" "UTF-16BE"     "UTF-16LE"     "windows-1254"

[1] ""   "en" "ro" ""   ""   "tr"

[1] 1.00 0.54 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.08

x2 <- content(r2, encoding="UTF-8")
sapply(x2$result,  "[[", "title") 

The pubdates can be converted using as.POSIXct.

sapply(x2$result,  "[[", "pubdate")
[1] "1457112660000" "1456509505000" "1457112600000" "1456511400000" "1456507345000"
[6] "1456500085000" "1456511400000"

as.POSIXct( round(as.numeric(z)/1000), origin = "1970-01-01")
[1] "2016-03-04 10:31:00 MST" "2016-02-25 10:58:25 MST" "2016-03-04 10:30:00 MST" ...

These last two steps are combined in the get_bsve function. Without a filter, all 978 titles are returned. The function includes API options for top, skip and orderby (although orderby may not work)

x1 <- get_bsve(token, "RSS", source ="CDC MMWR Reports")
x2 <- get_bsve(token, "RSS", source ="CDC MMWR Reports", filter="pubdate ge 2016-02-01")
x3 <- get_bsve(token, "RSS", source ="CDC MMWR Reports", filter="pubdate ge 2016-02-01", orderby="pubdate DESC", top=5)
order(sapply(x3$result,  "[[", "pubdate"))
[1] 5 2 4 3 1

cstubben/bsve documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:25 p.m.