

Basic Usage

treeclim is an R package for the numerical calibration of proxy-climate relationships, developed with a focus on tree-ring data.

The workhorse function of treeclim is dcc, shorthand for "dendroclimatic calibration". In its most simplest case, a growth-climate analysis can be performed like this:

dc1 <- dcc(muc_spruce, muc_clim)

For this first example, we use data that comes with treeclim: a chronology of Picea abies growing near Munich (Bavaria, Germany) together with corresponding monthly climate data (temperature and precipitation). The default configuration of dccis to perform a bootstrapped response function analysis (Guiot 1991), using monthly climate variables from previous June to current September. The main difference here to other software (e.g., Dendroclim2002, Biondi and Waikul 2004) is that treeclim uses stationary bootstrapping (Politis and Romano 1994) by default, to account for potentially autocorrelated tree-ring data.

The resulting coefficients can be viewed by calling:


We see a table listing the monthly climatic predictors that have been generated by treeclim with the value of their corresponding coefficients, significance flags and confidence intervals. In this example, none of the climatic predictors turned out to be significant at a level of p < 0.05. (One important notice: the object returned by dcc is actually more complex than the table we get when print it. To access the coefficients, e.g. for writing your own plotting functions, you could use coef(dc1).)

A basic plot is obtained by issueing:


We will see later how this plot can be styled to meet your personal preferences.

This was a very quick and basic introduction to the main functionality of treeclim. Everything else beyond that is refining the specification of your analysis. The next section details on the conceptual framework of treeclim and how it reflects in its design and usage.

 Caution!  Please make sure to have a recent version of treeclim (version >= 1.0.15) installed when you follow along the examples in this document.


I enjoy writing treeclim and helping users, and Franco Biondi (of Dendroclim2002 fame) enjoys mentoring my work and collaborating closely to set the direction for this software package. Additional to improving citation metrics, getting proper credits for our work through correct citation also helps us to get an idea about who uses treeclim and for what. So, please make sure to cite treeclim correctly when you use it in your analyses:

print(citation("treeclim"), style = "text")

The same applies to R in general and dplR, when you use it together with treeclim (which you definetively should, of course).

The Five Elements of Growth-Climate-Relationships

Everyone looking at tree-growth as a function of climate will have to consider at least five elements of the analysis to be carried out:

The design of treeclim allows to build an analytic strategy considering these five elements. In the following, we will look at each element in some detail.


treeclim expects a tree-ring chronology as input, ideally as produced by the chron function in dplR. For climate data, two general formats are accepted:

  1. Year-Month format: here, the climate data is formatted as a data.frame with columns year, month, and one column for each climatic variable like so:

It is important to note that treeclim can only work with data for which all years are complete, which means you might have to truncate your climate data if this is not the case.

  1. 13-Column format: here, for each climate variable a data.frame or numerical matrix is supplied with year as first column and monthly observations in columns 2 to 13 like so:

To use more than one variable with this data format, you can supply them as a list to dcc like so: dcc(chrono = rt_spruce, climate = list(rt_temp, rt_prec))

For both climate data formats, there is no limit on the number of variables that can be used for the analyses. Please note that no missing values are allowed for both formats, so if your climate data contains missing values, consider interpolation or other imputation methods.

For the 13-Column format, there are no obvious variable names for the climatic variables. If you want to have names, you can supply them using the var_names argument like so: dcc(chrono = rt_spruce, climate = list(rt_temp, rt_prec), var_names = c("tmp", "pre")). This also works for renaming variables coming from the Year-Month format.


Being able to design a customized matrix of predictors is probably the most interesting part about dcc. The default design matrix will select all months from previous June to current September from all variables supplied to dcc. Since this is most of the times a good starting point, but not necessarily the ideal design matrix, you can easily specify a custom design matrix using a set of simple commands.


In treeclim, there are three modifier functions for building the design matrix.

All modifiers have the same structure of MODIFIER(.months, .variables), i.e. they take as arguments a number of months, and the variables for which the modifier shall be applied. Both arguments can be omitted; when .months is omitted, the default set of months (previous June to current September) is used, when .variables is omitted, the modifier will be applied to all available climate variables.

Here are two examples:

dc2 <- dcc(muc_spruce, muc_clim, .range(-6:9, c("temp", "prec")))

This is identical with the default configuration and can be written more concise as dcc(muc_spruce, muc_clim, -6:9). Another example:

dc3 <- dcc(muc_spruce, muc_clim, .sum(5:9, c("temp", "prec")))

In this example, we did use all individual months, but as a sum of temperature and precipitation for the given period of time, resulting in much smaller design matrix with only two predictor variables. Since we only have the variables temp and prec in muc_clim, we could have written this more concise as dcc(muc_spruce, muc_clim, .sum(5:9)).


It can be desireable to exclude some time spans from analysis, for example dormant seaons. For this task, treeclim has the function exclude_from (or exfr for short) to exclude specific months from being integrated into the predictors build using the modifier functions.

dc4 <- dcc(muc_spruce, muc_clim, .range(exfr(-6:9, -10:2)))

In this example, we excluded autumn and winter months October (previous year) to February (current year) from the analysis. The remaining months from .range(-6:9) were selected as individual months for building the design matrix, because we used the .range modifier. Often, as here, it is not necessary to explicitly use .range, and dcc(..., exfr(-6:9, -10:2)) would have done the same thing.

Modifier Chaining

The last component for building design matrix is introduced by the ability to chain modifiers. This is done using the + operator:

dc5 <- dcc(muc_spruce, muc_clim, .sum(-4:-9, "prec") +
             .sum(4:9, "prec") + .range(exfr(-6:9, -10:3), "temp"))

Here, we are using two precipitation sums (corresponding to the previous and current growing seasons), and a range of month-wise temperatures excluding a dormant season. We can chain as many modifiers as we want. Using modifiers, exclusion and modifier chaining, we can create as complex (or simple) design matrices as needed.

Redundancy Check

While treeclim will check carefully that no two predictors are exactly the same, it can by no means check if the specification of the design matrix makes any sense at all.


By default, treeclim will use the maximum timespan available for both tree-ring and climate data. This can be changed using the timespan argument: dcc(..., timespan = c(1965, 2000)) will run the analysis using the timespan from 1965 to 2000. When the number of years for the analysis becomes smaller than the number of predictors in the design matrix, treeclim will raise an error.


With dcc, one may choose between response function analysis (the default) and correlation function analysis using the method argument: dcc(..., method = "correlation") will switch to the correlation method. A third method is available: seasonal correlations. The rationale behind this approach developed by Dave Meko (Meko et al. 2011) is somewhat different, which is why it deserves its own function seascorr.


The temporal stability of climate-growth-relations can be analysed using moving response and correlation functions. By default, dcc computes static analyses, but by setting the movingargument to TRUE, the analyses will be repeated in shifting time windows.

dc6 <- dcc(chrono = muc_spruce, climate = muc_clim,
           selection = 4:10, moving = TRUE, sb = FALSE)

The stars in the plot indicate windows with significant correlations for the given variable. Like in the non-dynamic case, you are free to create a customized design matrix using the treeclim modifiers. Further options comprise the window size, the window offset (the gap between consecutive window starts), and whether to start with windowing from the most recent end (default), or from the least recent end.

If method is set to correlation for computing a moving correlation function, we can use g_test to test the temporal fluctuations of the correlation coefficients for significance by comparing them to the magnitude of fluctuations that would occur by chance alone (using a multivariate extension of the approach by Gershunov et al. 2001):

dc7 <- dcc(chrono = muc_spruce, climate = muc_clim, 
           selection = .mean(3:5) + .mean(6:8) + .mean(9:10), method = "cor",
           moving = TRUE, win_size = 30, sb = FALSE)
g_test(dc7, sb = FALSE)

In this example, only the fluctuations in the correlation coefficient for mean temperature from current June to current August are significant at a level of p < 0.05. This means, that the probability of an even larger fluctuation by chance is less than 0.05. For more details, look into ?g_test.

Seasonal Correlations

treeclim provides similar functionality to Dave Meko's seascorr MATLAB program: partial correlations for a primary and a secondary climatic variable for seasons of different lengths. The tree-ring and climate input data is required in the same format as for dcc.

sc1 <- seascorr(muc_spruce, muc_clim)

This is the default configuration for seascorr: considering three different season lengths (1, 3, and 6 months), and current September as month where tree-ring growth is assumed to have finished. There is a plot method available as well:


By default, the primary variable is the first one found in the climate data supplied to seascorr. So with r names(muc_clim) in muc_clim, precipitation is chosen as primary variable. You can change this by either supplying names or positions, so to swap primary and secondary variables from the last example we can issue:

sc2 <- seascorr(muc_spruce, muc_clim, primary = "prec", secondary = "temp")

Reconstruction Skills

treeclim offers some basic functionality for evaluating the reconstruction skills of tree-ring chronologies via the skills function. skills works on existing output from either dcc or seascorr and tests the prediction skills of the tree-ring data for a given climate target. For this example, we use a different built-in data set, a chronology of pines from Visdalen in Norway (consult ?norw015 for details) and associated climate data:

dc8 <- dcc(norw015, list(norway_prec, norway_temp), 3:9, var_names = c("prec", "temp"))

Let us assume we are interested in reconstructing summer temperatures, and want to make use of the significant correlation with July temperature. We call skills on the dc8 object, and specify .range(7, "temp") as target to get July temperature as response variable (note that for skills, like in many dendroclimatic applications, climate is modelled subject to tree-ring data):

sk8 <- skills(dc8, .range(7, "temp"))

By default, skills will take the maximum available timespan and divide it into equally sized calibration and verification periods. Reported are the parameter estimates and goodness of fit for the calibration and full models, plus some established verification statistics. Here, both RE and CE are positive, so the reconstruction has some skills at least. We can also look at the reconstruction:


The specification of the calibration period in skills is quite flexible, you might want to look in to ?skills for more details. Furthermore, you can chose between an OLS regression model (default) or an RMA regression.


treeclim uses ggplot2 (Wickham 2009) to build its plots. ggplot2-plots are themeable and easily be customized. This means, it only takes a few lines of code to adapt your treeclim output to your aesthetical preferences.


This is the default. If we feel the default style does not blend in nicely with our gothic inspired interior design, we can always change some things (we need to include ggplot2 for this):

plot(dc1) + theme_dark() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#FFFFFF", "#F62525")) +
  ylab("Response Coefficients") + ggtitle("Happy Worlddendro 2016!")

You may want to consult the ggplot2 documentation for further options (there are many).

Conclusion & Acknowledgements

treeclim tries to provide a flexible framework for the exploration of tree-climate-relationships. treeclim does not impose complexity on the user, and keeps simple things simple. When needed, however, functionality is available to adapt to various research questions. Most aspects of what treeclim can do has been touched in this vignette. There are few more options that are potentially interesting, such as the ability to use different bootstrapping schemes with dcc.

Areas where treeclim is currently lacking include better support of southern hemisphere data by providing access to climate data from the year before the previous one. Also, testing reconstructing skills is only basic.

Some of the features currently implemented derive from requests by the user community (seascorr being the most prominent example), and I am grateful for these and further suggestions.


Biondi, F., and K. Waikul. 2004. DENDROCLIM2002: A C++ program for statistical calibration of climate signals in tree-ring chronologies. Computers in Geosciences 30:303–311.

Gershunov, A., N. Schneider, and T. Barnett. 2001. Low-frequency modulation of the ENSO-Indian Monsoon rainfall relationship: Signal or noise? Journal of Climate 14:2486–2492.

Guiot, J. 1991. The bootstrapped response function. Tree Ring Bulletin 51:39–41.

Meko, D. M., R. Touchan, and K. J. Anchukaitis. 2011. Seascorr: A MATLAB program for identifying the seasonal climate signal in an annual tree-ring time series. Computers & Geosciences 37:1234–1241.

Politis, D. N., and J. P. Romano. 1994. The stationary bootstrap. Journal of the American Statistical Association 89:1303–1313.

H. Wickham. ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York, 2009.

cszang/treeclim documentation built on Feb. 18, 2022, 4:54 a.m.