Man pages for ctaglioni/demItaly
Demographic data from Italy

demItalydemItaly: Italian demographic data.
italy.births.regRegistered births in Italy by age and region, 2006-2016.
italy.deaths.regRegistered deaths in Italy by age, sex, and region,...
italy.ext.emiCancellations of people leaving from an italian region to a...
italy.ext.immNew registrations of people coming from a foreing country per...
italy.intl.emiCancellations of people leaving from an italian region to any...
italy.intl.immNew registrations of people coming from other italian regions...
italy.popn5Y.100Estimates of Italian population by age, sex, and region,...
italy.popn.regEstimates of Italian population by age, sex, and region,...
italy.popn.reg.1YEstimates of Italian population by age, sex, and region,...
ctaglioni/demItaly documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4 p.m.