magrittr.tidy is a tidy-compliant fork of the magrittr package.

Did you know that despite being central to the tidyverse, magrittr is not, in fact, tidy. It does not adhere to one of the most basic tidy principals, namely:

data first, context next.

magrittr is context first, data next. This break in the paradigm making it an oddball in the tidyverse. magrittr.tidy fixes that by providing fully tidy compliant pipes.

tidy_on() # turn on magrittr.tidy tidy_off() # turn off magrittr tidy

Currently, does not support the assignback operator, for example:

 df %>% var1 %<>% add(1)

does not work.

ctbrown/ documentation built on May 23, 2020, 12:17 p.m.