matrix_single_answer_results: Create the Results Table for a Matrix Single Answer Question

Description Usage Arguments Value

View source: R/results_generation.R


The matrix_single_answer_results function uses the definition of the choices and answers in the QSF file and their potentially recoded values to determine how to table the results paired to that question. If you look at the source code, keep in mind that a matrix question's sub-questions are called "Choices" and that the choices for each sub-question are called "Answers"


matrix_single_answer_results(question, original_first_rows)



This is a list object representing an individual question from a Qualtrics Survey File. The question must have a paired response column placed into the question under [['Responses']]. The insertion of the responses into questions is handled by link_responses_to_questions.


A dataframe contianing the header information for each column of response data. This dataframe includes a row for the DataExportTag based response column names, another for the Question Text stem and choice text (although truncated), and a row with QID based column names.


a table with the matrix-sub-questions listed in the first column, the percentages for each choice for each sub-question listed in a table, and then another column with the total respondents for each subquestion.

ctesta01/qualtrics-R-package documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:28 p.m.