Analysis of Skeletal Populations


This R package is an appendix to Felix Engel's dissertation thesis "Traces of Armed Conflict: Methodological Implications from Anthropological Graveyard Analyses - Applied to the Site lauchheim 'Wasserfurche' With Special Reference to Cranial Trauma". It provides functions for a number of analyses on skeletal material developed and discussed there:

Installation using devtools

You can use the devtools package to install this package directly from this repository by following these steps:

  1. Install devtools from within R

Depending on your system, various prerequisites might have to be met for devtools to install correctly. Please refer to the respective documentation.

  1. Install deadpop from within R
install_github("cuboideum/deadpop", local = FALSE)

cuboideum/deadpop documentation built on Feb. 5, 2021, 11:21 p.m.